Chapter 9

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So I woke up and brushed my teeth. I felt a lot better today. I didn't feel like cooking so I made some cereal. Neveah was still sleep. Then Zoe came downstairs. He went straight to the living room and sat down. He was all on his phone and didn't notice me. I sat and laid my head on his shoulder. He was still on his phone. When I looked over he turned it.

"Who you texting?" I asked

"Nobody." He said I didn't believe him

So I snatched his phone. Any smart person would. He was trying so hard to get it back. I looked at it and it was girl named Tasha. The messages read.

Last night was bomb 😍😍

Are you coming over today?

Baby you had me screaming ❤😍

I was pissed off. I threw his phone but he caught it. I which it woulda hit him in his shit.

"Bro what are you throwing my shit for?" He yelled

I wasn't gone cry so I stood up. I had to leave. Me and Neveah. I went upstairs and got Neveah. I was packing us clothes.

"I bought all of that." Zoe said

I dropped all of it. I'm leaving with or without the clothes. I went to Neveah's room. I grabbed my bag and put her medicine in and the shoes and clothes that I bought. I grabbed Neveah. She went know what was going on.

"You can leave but Neveah's staying." He said

The fuck?! This is my blood not his. She goes where I go.

"She's not staying with your cheating ass." I said walking towards the door

"Neveah you don't wanna stay with daddy?" Zoe said

Neveah just hugged my leg.

"Mommy said I have to." She said
"Your not taking my car!!"He said
I wasn't planning to. I picked up my bag and walked out the door.

"At least tell me where you going!!" He yelled

"Don't worry about it. Go fuck your hoes." I said

I walked down the street. I didn't know where to go so I walked in the direction of my old house. When I got to the park down the street of my house it was dark. I saw my mom!! 

"You little bitch!!" My mama said

She ran after to and I ran full speed. I couldn't go to me because she has a key and would get in. So just ran and went to an alley. She ran past me and Neveah. Neveah cried. I need to calm her down before she causes attention. Then I heard some people wall buy. And then they walked to where we were.

"What do we have here?" A man said 

Be looked creepy and I don't think he had good intentions. He was touching me and Neveah. Neveah cried louder.

He was gripping my legs trying to open them.

"Stop!!!" I yelled

"Please." Neveah said

Then he started hitting me and Neveah. I got on top of Neveah so he was only hitting me.

"It hurts." I whisper he started kicking me in my head

Then I heard somebody else come and start beating the shit outta the guy. I looked up and it was Nick. I'm glad he came when he did.

"Come on y'all." He said grabbing my bag for me and my free hand

He walked us to his car.

"Why are you out here alone?" Nick said

"Well I needed to leave because my ex cheated on my. How did you find us?" I said

"Oh well y'all staying with my tonight. And I was driving to church's because they got the best chicken on this side of town. Then I heard crying and screaming." He said

I just nodded as Neveah sat in my lap and went to sleep. I can't believe pure lives went from so good to horrible in a matter of seconds.  I can't believe Zoe would do this to me. He told me he was here for me.

"We're here." Nick said

I got out with my bag and Neveah in my arms. His house was nice it was the same size and Zoe's and actually from where I was standing I can see Zoe's house. Which was down the street. We walked in and he led me to a room. I guess this is where me and Neveah woild be staying.

"If your hungry the kitchen is always open." Nick said

"Okay thanks." I said

"Well I'll see you tomorrow. I'll be in the room down the hall." He said

I closed my door and took Neveah's clothes off and laid her down. I want to sleep and I had to think of a plan. Then the worst happened. I heard Nick in the next room fucking. It was so rude and disrespectful. He didn't have to do this while were here. And now I can't stay here. I put Neveah's clothes back on.  I just grabbed all my stuff and left. Nobody noticed. I sat on the curb and I saw a few girls going into Zoe's house and he was kissing them. I can't believe this.

**The Next Morning**

I was laid out on the curb with Neveah under me. Nick and Zoe were both standing over me. They looked mad.

"Why did you leave my house last night?" Nick asked

"You was at that nigga house??" Zoe asked

"Because I didn't wanna hear you fucking. And why should you care about what I'm doing when you have bitches all up in your house." I said getting up I began to walk down the street

"Aye I'll see you later Nick. Thank you for the help tho." I hugged Nick and he kissed my cheek

"I helped you more that this nigga." Zoe said

"But you cheated so leave me alone." I said

"Karina, I'm sorry but you not going nowhere. You not leaving me." Zoe said

He picked me and Neveah up and carries us to his house.

"Put me down!!?" I said

He let me go when we got in the house. Neveah went to her room.
"Leave me alone." I said

"Baby, I'm sorry okay. I didn't mean to do all that shit. Forgive me. It won't happen again. I don't want my family to leave me. Baby please?" He said

He was on his knees hugging my stomach.

I just nodded as tears slid down my face.

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