Chapter 15

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It's been a month and now things are pretty good. Today we are going to Zoe's first game as a star quarterback. This a really big deal to him so it's a big deal to me. So he isn't here since he has to be at the field hours early. Mony and Devin are gorgeous to meet me there. But as for now I let Neveah dressed herself after we brushed our teeth.

I straightened her hair since she wanted me to

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I straightened her hair since she wanted me to. My baby is growing up. Anyways I went and made her breakfast so I could get dressed. When I got her situated I went upstairs.

I had on a blue dress that stopped below my knees and some sandles

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I had on a blue dress that stopped below my knees and some sandles. I straightened my hair put a part in it. Me and Neveah were ready to go. We actually took a while to get to the place because it was so crowded. But when we got there I saw Mony and Devin.

"Hey girl you look cute." Mony said

"Thanks but come on y'all we don't have to wait." I said

Zoe had gave us passes so we could get good seat and so we didn't have to wait. So we walked to the side door entrance and we were seated. The field was empty and most of the bleachers were too but people came eventually.

30 minutes later

'And that's Zolek Waters with his 7th touchdown tonight!!'

The crowd went wild. Everyone was in love with Zoe and I can see why. He was a wonderful player and he hasn't been on the team that long.

"Mama I have to pee." Neveah said

I nodded and told Mony we would be back. Then I found the restroom and we went in them. We went into the biggest stall and I let Neveah pee. Then we finished up and washed our hands. We went to the concession stand because Zoe would flip if he found out I haven't ate today. I order a lot of snacks but I dropped a bag of skittles.

"Let me get that for you." I heard a man say

"Thank you." I said looking up

It was Nick

"Wassup girl?" Nick said hugging me

"I'm here with some friends watching Zoe play. What about you?" I ask

"Oh that's cool. I'm here with my girl." He said rolling his eyes

I laughed at that.

"I swear she irritating as fuck but I gotta go. I'll see you later." He gave me one last hug

Me and Neveah left and took our seats again. The game was almost over. There was like 3 minutes left and the score was 63-14 the Redskins were winning. And Zoe made over half the touchdowns.

Minutes Later

"Baby I'm so proud." I said kissing Zoe

Me and everyone else was waiting for him to leave the locker room. Zoe had the biggest smile on his face. Then Neveah ran and have him a hug. He picked her up. For some reason I wanted to be picked up. I guess my face showed it. So Devin grabbed Neveah and Zoe grabbed me. No I wasn't jealous and no I'm not acting like a baby. But you guys I'm pregnant so I can't help it.

"Put her ass down!!!"Mony yelled

I just laughed.

"You and Devin got her spoiled rotten." Mony said playfully rolling her eyes

"Oh well." They both said

Zoe was my baby and other half and Devin was my big brother he can always make me happy so he was my day maker.

"Your just jealous." I said

"Girl please." She said laughing

Mony looked really cute today. Well she looks cute everyday but I noticed today.

She had on some sweats,  a crop top and some uggs

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She had on some sweats,  a crop top and some uggs. It was normal but cute.

Zoe carried me to my car. He was picked up by his teammates earlier so that's why we are driving the same car. Devin had carried Neveah to our car and buckled her him. He kissed her forehead then kissed mine. I smiled and then Zoe got in. Devin and Mony left.

"Can I have a burger with
ice cream?" I asked

You guys I'm craving it so don't judge me.

"No!  Hell no. My kid aint eating that." Zoe said then he started the car

I started to cry because I was hungry and he probably thinks I'm a fat ass pig.

"Baby don't start." He said he got out the car and came to my side

He opened my door and hugged me.

"I'm just hungry." I cried

He was kissing my lips and wiping my face.

"Ok baby we finna get food. Don't cry it's bad for the baby." He said
"Really?" I said I instantly stopped crying

"Yes baby. With yo spoiled ass." He said kissing me

He then closed my door and he got in. Then we left. We went to McDonald's.

"Neveah what do you want?" Zoe asked she didn't answer

We looked back and she was sleeping.

"Can I have 10 peice nugget, 4 double meat cheeseburgers, vanilla ice-cream in a cup and 2 medium fries and 1 small fry. That's it." Zoe said

'Your total is $14.59 pull up to the second window.'

We did as told and Zoe paid for the food. Then we went home. I grabbed the food and Zoe grabbed Neveah and went to take her to her room. I out Neveah's food in the microwave. Then Zoe came and got his two burgers.

"There a extra burger I only wanted one." I said

"But you gone eat two. So eat." He said

I put some ice-cream on my burger and dipped my fries in my ice-cream. Zoe just looked at me in disgust. I just shrugged my shoulders. I was full but Zoe said I needed to eat since I didn't have breakfast  I swear I was so full but Zoe be overwhelming me to eat so I did.

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