Chapter 13

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So it's been some weeks since that day at the store and I think I'm ready to go to school. I haven't been in a while and people no why. So I got up and ready to go. Zoe was up to because he was excited. He has football practice tryouts so he had already dropped Neveah off at school. I already know he'll make the team but he has doubts. Anyways I brushed my teeth and went to get dressed.

It was kinda hot out so I put on a blue dress that stopped at the end of my knees, a beige jacket and some heels

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It was kinda hot out so I put on a blue dress that stopped at the end of my knees, a beige jacket and some heels. But then Zoe made me change because he claims its easy to fall at school. So I put on some sandals. Then so Zoe got dressed. He was in a regular white shirt, some khaki jeans and some red and white 4's.

We were on our way to the school and Zoe stopped to get is food then we made it. When we got there he opened my door for me and we held hands in the building. Everyone was looking until Mony came and was acting ghetto.

"Uh uhn!!!!  Quit looking at her before I get off in somebody ass!! Do not play with me!!" She said

I just laughed and shook my head this would be funny.

End Of The Day

So now I'm at Zoe's football practice and he's pretty good. Some NFL coaches were here. They came to do a one time things which was draft people at their highschool. If Zoe did good he could be in the NFL out of highschool. I hope he does good he would love the opportunity.

This was basically a open gym and a lot of parents were here to see there child. So then Zoe was talking to some coaches and he looked hella happy. He came over to me and kissed me.

"What's going on?" I asked

"Baby, the redskins want me."

I was so happy I screamed and kissed him. I was so proud of him.

"Baby go they want to give you some Redskin attire." I said

I pushed him so he could receive the gifts. He looked so happy and he wouldn't stop smiling.

Then all of a sudden I started getting cramps. I didn't wanna ruin his moment so I sucked it up and took a seat. It started hurting so bad that tears were coming down.

"Ma'am are you okay?" Some random lady said

I shook my head no and placed a hand on my stomach.

"Baby what's wrong?" Zoe said running up to me

I couldn't talk it hurts so bad. He tried to carry me but I didn't want to steal his shine.

"Noo this is your moment." I said
"Girl I don't give a fuck. Your my number one priority." He said scooping me up and walking to the car

He sped to the hospital and I just cried.

"Baby stop crying. It's not good for the baby." He said rubbing my stomach which help some

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