Chapter 16

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So I woke up and Zoe wasn't here lately his team has morning practice. I used to go but I'm 7 months pregnant so Zoe usually says no but then I cry and then he let's me go. I swear so many things make me cry now I wasn't like this before I got pregnant. Oh well Zoe don't complain all the time. Anyways I got up and went to Neveah's room. She was already up and dressed.

"Where you going?" I asked Neveah

"Remember your boss was coming to pick me?" She said

She was right my boss did say that so I left her to do whatever she was doing.

I got her a pop tart and some juice just for a snack

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I got her a pop tart and some juice just for a snack.

I went back to my room. I was bored so I decided I would go to Zoe's practice anyways. He wouldn't be so mad. So I got dressed.

I had a white tank top on and some black sweats

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I had a white tank top on and some black sweats. I waited until Neveah was gone until I left too. I got some food so Zoe wouldn't be mad. I got a meal at Burger King then went to the field they practiced at.

I pulled up to the field and grabbed my food. I went to the bleachers and say down. Zoe hasn't seen me yet so I just ate and watched him. When he finally saw me he shook his head and smiled.

"Girl what you doing?" He asked

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"Girl what you doing?" He asked

"I was bored because Neveah went to a friends house." I said pouting

"Well at least you eating. We're almost done so wait." He wait running off

I was his ride home because he was picked up again today.

I was done eating when I went to throw my trash away then somebody knocked me over. I landed on my butt. Thank God I didn't land on my stomach.

I looked to see who knocked me over.

"Aye watch where you going?" The guy said

Zoe came over and punches the dude. He then helped me up.

"Ohh this you Zoe?" The dude asked

Zoe said say anything but stare.

"Oh I'm so sorry." He said

"It ok--

"No it's not okay. You coulda got hurt and lost the baby. Nigga what where the fuck you going!!!" Zoe said

He grabbed my hand and lead me to the car. When we got in, his face softened when he saw my arms had scratches.

"Are you hurt?" He asked

I shook my head no.

He nodded then grabbed a towel and started cleaning my cuts. After that we drove us home.

"Are you hungry?" He asked

I shook my head no again. He nodded then walked off. I guess he's doing that thing where he ignores me. So if that's the case I'm leaving. I called Devin.


'Hey Devin can you come get me?'

'Of course I'm on my way'

I hung up and grabbed my purse which had food,  my phone and charger and a few other things.

Minutes later Devin came and helped me to his car.

"What happened?" He asked

I told her all about the contents of today and he was kinda mad. He was mad because I fell, and because Zoe was acting like a ass.
"Well you can stay at my house until he acts right. Mony will be there when I leave for work." He said

I nodded but it was weird because I don't know what Zoe doesn't for a living. I need to ask one day.

We arrived at Devin's house and he helped me in. Mony came and was screaming.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked

"I missed you." Mony said kissing my face

"Stoooop!" I said pushing her off

"Why are you here though?" She asked

I told her already that happened and she was mad at Zoe too.

"Carry me to the room Devin!" She said

He looked at her crazy.

"Mony look at her feet there swollen. Ain't no way she'll make it upstairs." Devin said

My feet were very red and swollen. So Devin scooped me up and took me upstairs. Momy was close behind.

"You always being carried." Mony said laughing

"I don't ask them to." I said

It was true. I don't ask people to pick me up and carry me somewhere. They just do it. Me and Mony sat on the bed and Mony was massaging on foot and Devin did the other. I love them so much.

"Thanks guys." I said

"You lucky you got pretty feet." Devin said mugging Mony

She was the one that forces him to rub my feet.

"Her feet were huge so I'm sure they were in pain." Mony said mugging him back

I just laughed because they were too funny. After a while Monylqir next to me rubbing my stomach and Devin laid at the foot of the bad sleep. Me and Mony eventually went to sleep.


I went downstairs to look for Karina but she wasn't there. I called her phone and she dusky answer. I called Mony's and Devins and nobody answered. I was starting to worry because it was my fault she left. I was ignoring her and she hays when I do that. I'm probably stressing her out and them she could have a miscarriage. Its all my fault.

Hours Later

It has been hours and it's now 11 at night. I called Karina and Mony but they didn't answer. I called Devin and he answered.

Devin- Hello? 

Me- Have you seen Karina? 

Devin- Yeah why? 

Me- Well where is she? 

Devin- Don't worry about it

He hung up. Man now my nigga mad and I'm sure Mony thinkj8of ways to kill me. Why do I always fuck shit up? 

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