chapter 2-Nice to meet you?!

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  • Dedicated to Rita Hesham

“Life isn’t measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that takes your breath away.”

Chapter 2 – Nice to meet you?!

  For twins Edward and Johnathan are really ... different in many ways. Edward is the party-type boy who goes out and gets drunk almost every night while

Johnathan is the-sitting-alone-on-the-laptop-or-reading type of guy.

Edward has dark-brown hair which is in loose messy curls that reaches to just under his ears and brown  eyes that gives you the feeling that he is staring into your soul. He is tall and well-built with boarded shoulders, large biceps and toned torso. For a guy who likes to party he is really smart and perceptive, completely aware of everything going on around him.

Johnathan on the other hand has light brown hair that is always styled in a guff. His light blue eyes look welcoming and soft which gives you the urge to talk to him for hours. That and his personality which is friendly and trusting. the opposite of his brother, who is dark and less talkative. His body built is no different from his brother which is one of the mere things they have in common. Johnathan is as smart as Edward if not more, for siblings they are close and they rarely argue which can be very useful at times.

"Ed, I am going out for some fresh air. Can you cover me up for a while? “Johnathan whispered to his brother when they were done talking to some guests. Edward nodded smiling at his brother Johnathan smiled gratefully at his brother before he walked away and out of the ballroom then out of the palace doors greeting a few guards as he did so. Once he was out in the garden he froze in place, he wasn't alone he could feel the presence of someone else out there - A human.

He could smell their blood so sweet and fresh. The sweet smell was so pleasant to his nostrils that it made his mouth water and he could already tell that human was a girl.  Being one of the first vampires to ever exist had it's advantages. As Johnathan walked towards the shadow of the person he could indeed tell she was a girl her brown wavy hair was shining due to the light of the moon falling on it,  the dress she was wearing circled her small frame perfectly and it looked quite breath taking.

"May I join you?" Johnathan asked his voice raspier than usually. He regretted talking as soon as he saw the girl's body freeze; he could hear the sound of her beating faster in her chest indicating that she is scared. Seconds later she ever so slowly turned her head to look at Johnathan her gaze shot to his right hand her eyes roamed his body observing him he was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans , black converse  , white dress shirt and a black blazer ,her gaze then lifted  back up to his face. She slowly nodded making Johnathan grin before sitting legs crosses next to her.

"You don't have to be scared." Johnathan said seriously staring straight ahead.

"I am not." Ella said confidently-well as confident as she could- making Johnathan laugh.

"Yea sure." he scoffed” Sweetheart,  I could have been able to hear your heart beating from Mars." he continued making Ella roll her eyes. "Yeah, whatever." she said lowly.

"So ... you are a human." Johnathan stated awkwardly trying to find something to talk about.

"And you are a Vampire." Ella stated the truth as she looked at him from the corner of her eyes.

"How did you know?!" Johnathan asked frowning

"Well, the fact that you are wearing that ring-" she paused to point at the golden ring that Johnathan was wearing " Which only vampires own and the fact that the stone in the middle is emerald . So i would say you are also a noble, Am I right?" Ella asked ending her little speech to look at him.

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