Chapter 1 (Crucible for The Family)

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I ran for my life as the giant boulders came crashing down. The building swooped down as if a giant crane had hit it. I ran in pure terror. My eyes swept with dust, trash, and fallen brick. It flew over my face as it began to turn white. My vision grew to near nothing but I still hung on. I ran with my mother and my little brother who both were on the verge of inhalation. Boom. Behind me. The noises grew until I could barely hear a single sound from the amount of debris that hit my hear. I ran in extreme pain, barely able to contain myself. My brother was still holding onto my hand for tear life. I could feel my blood rate drop my hand to the middle of my arm. I could barely move my arm. My hand flopped down as the blood running to it stopped. I could feel my mother on the other side screaming for dear life. Her blue dress was now a grayish color. I could feel everyone holding each other like it was the end of the world. Debris flew everywhere. And then it happened.
A giant boulder pummeled the ground before us. We needed to find a way to get over it. We couldn't go around because of the amount of debris that flew around. So the only way was up.
We let go of each other's hands and grabbed the boulder with the strongest grip we have ever done. My brother started to fall back as we started to climb up the giant boulder that lay before us. "Help!" I heard my brother scream. I looked down to see he had only one hand on. At that very moment, the hand that my brother has latched onto had slipped. Little rocks the size of sand had fallen down. I couldn't use my broken hand and if I took my other hand off I would surely fall. I had to do something. I threw my hand toward him as I could see him try to latch onto mine. But he made the wrong choice. He had used the wrong hand.
His hand flew up as his legs slipped and he started to fall. His body started to run in slow motion as my hand still flew across the air. I couldn't save him. I thought one day that I could be a savior to him but instead, no. His back began to fall onto the floor with the loud crack of concrete. I could hear his back screaming in agony. I knew I had to save myself if I couldn't save him so I thrust my hand back up to the rock. "Sister!" I turned around to see his little face. "I love you." A tear dropped down as I saw the building start to collapse. I had to get out of the way so I threw myself on top of the rock and looked down. The building collided with him. Blood splattered onto the rock. I could barely see anything anymore. The force of the building forced the rock to start drifting down the road. It jerked to the left and hit a small cafe. The glass flew onto the floor and all over my body. The wind had started throwing me to the left. I crashed the window and hit the white and black floor pattern. The wind was suddenly knocked out of me. I started to cough all over the floor, causing dust to be pushed onto the stools that were placed in front of me. I could barely do anything. I tried to use the power that I could to check with my mom. I flopped my body and looked over to my mother. Her face had three bruises and six blood spots. I couldn't help her. My phone was crushed in the debris. I'm useless. I started to gain energy and momentum so I stood up and walked over to the giant hole in the wall. On either side, there was a little hole to walk through so I could get out. I walked over to the one on the left and crouched down. I walked out to see a different world, different city. Everything looked strange. I couldn't recognize what had happened. My brain flipped and suddenly I had no idea where I was. I started to walk around and my brain flipped again, this time letting me remember everything that had just happened. "Oh my god..." I sobbed to myself. A year dropped before I said, "Ben must be dead." I looked over to see the blood covered floor. I looked over the floor to the only remaining part of him.
The only thing that was lasting was the teddy bear he brought everywhere.

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