Ranch Day High (a.k.a. Jail) - The hallway- Tuesday August 12th - 7:20 A.M.

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Ten more minutes until this friggin bell rings!

I start walking down the halls, flipping my hip-length hair to the side as I approach my quote-unquote 'friends'.

"This school year is going to be so much better than last year! we are sophomores now!" Hannah says excitedly. Her blonde shoulder length hair shaking as she talks and her piercing blue eyes glowing like a beach in Hawaii.

"I know right?" Emma says as she turns around. "Oh, hey, it's Chloe!" Emma, my overly excited friend says while pulling her jet black hair into a slick tight ponytail. Her brown eyes also glowing too.

I couldn't help laughing. Everyone is so happy in life except me. I look around, bored, and see this extremely cute guy passing by on campus. He has the greyest eyes ever and his longish blondish brownish looking hair pulled back with a beanie. I wonder what it would be like if I had a boyfriend. Or even guy friends!

I look away as quick as possible, afraid thinking someone might get the idea I'm checking him out. Which I totally was! I just can't risk it...

I finally tune back into the conversation going on.

"So then we made out." I heard Emma say.

"Wait- Hold on. WHAT? You made out with WHO?" I screech.

I can't believe she's already made out with somebody and I didn't. But why am I surprised? I'm so lame. I'm 15 and never even had a guy friend! how do I except to make out with a guy?!

"Um yeah, Silly!" Emma continues. "You remember Joe right? During summer?" she smiles wide.

Joe... Who was Joe? Joe...-

"EHMAGAWD! NO WAY! YOU MADE OUT WITH JOE BAXTER?" I yell remembering her mentioning him last month while she was quote-unquote "volunteering to work at sea world". Some people near by looked at me as if I just admitted I have STDS or something. I don't care, though. All I care about right now is if Emma's serious or not.

"Yes! you seem so surprised, Chloe. You don't have to feel jealous or anything." I hear Hannah answer my question.

Did she just? I think.

Maybe I should say a good comeback or something. Why in the hell would I be jealous of Emma making out with some dude she barely knows and is not even dating. Ugh. Another reason why I hate people.


Thank god the bell rang! I sped walked outta the group and to homeroom, Way to embarrassed to look back, not even caring to ask if we have any classes together.

*Lol a lot of the chapters are short but interesting. Keep reading!! You might like it!

~Andy Jay

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