The Bus Stop - Going Home - Tuesday August 12th - 3:05 P.M.

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Today actually went by good. Well ignoring all of the stupid dramatic friends I have and the fact that I ate my lunch in the school's library, today was a good day. All I had to think of was grey eyes and that made me instantly happy.

Right after English, I've noticed we've had 4 other classes together. Which also means we only are separated for 2 classes! During our 30 minute lunch period, (boy I wish this was an open campus school) I just walked straight to the school's library because I didn't want to deal with people. Each time the librarian turned away, I tried sneaking a bite out of my sandwich I packed.

I'm such a loser. I frown. What is WRONG with me?! I'm even obsessing over some hot guy that probably doesn't even know I exist.

I sigh as I wait for the bus to show up. I want to get the best seat. Away from annoying people.

"Hey! it's you!" A male voice cheered.

Obviously not talking to me. I think, not even bothering to turn around. I stuff my hands in the pocket of my sweatshirt, still waiting for my bus to arrive.

I couldn't help it any longer! It just feels like a pair of eyes are looking at me. I turn around curiously and see... OMG... Grey Eyes!

I can't help jumping, scared obviously, that for one, a guy is talking to me, two, it's somebody actually talking to me! , and three, it's... actually... him! My recent crush/the love of my life.

"So you ride the bus, huh?" I hear him ask.

My cheeks suddenly feel hot.

"um..yea! That's what I looks like." I laugh, nervously.

Ugh why did I have to say THAT? I think to myself.

He chuckles. "Well guess then we'll be bus buddies!"

"No way! you ride the bus to?" I couldn't help asking and smiling at the same time. I especially smiled at the way he said quote-unquote 'bus buddies'.

"Um...Yea. That's what I looks like." He grins. His gray eyes are twinkling with delight.

There's a long pause. I'm trying to understand what he meant by that. Maybe he doesn't like me...

Then all of a sudden, I yell "OH MY GAWD I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE!"

He was mimicking exactly what I said to him early.

Then we both look into each others eyes and start cracking up.

Wow. funny and hot. I smile.

He laughs again.

Did I miss something? I think.

"I'll just take that as a compliment." he grins.

No way! did I accidentally say that aloud?! I couldn't have!

My cheeks start burning again and I put my head down as the bus approaches. I can still feel Grey Eyes smiling at me.

I walk onto the bus and take a seat near the window in the far back left. I also notice grey eyes take a seat next to me.

He laughs, smiling. "Aw. Don't be shy bus buddy! I understand if you think I'm funny and hot." He grins.

I turn to him, laughing now, playfully punching him in the arm. "You weren't supposed to hear that!!" I giggle.

He grins.

"Wow." I snort.  I say sarcastically, secretly admiring his good ears and sense of humor and good sense of fashion and his hotness all at the same damn time, as I flip my long coarse of hair to the side.

He moves a little closer towards me in his seat. "Hey I know we've like already met today. But I think your cool. Me and some friends are going to the theatre on Friday and then gonna grab something to eat. Care to join. You know, if you want?" He smiles looking into my eyes.


I wanted to yell. My heart is pounding so hard. I hope he can't hear it. Instead I just say "Um, sure. That sounds really fun. I'm Chloe Lyons by the way."

Nailed it. I smile, virtually patting myself on the back.

He smiles back and shakes my hand, his grey eyes getting brighter by the second. "Carter Danielles." He says, never taking his eyes off of me.

The bus then comes to a stop and a bunch of people walk off.

He laughs and gets up. "Well, this is my stop." He gets up. " See you later, Chloe Lyons." he then walks away smoothly off of the bus, leaving me sitting her grinning ear to ear.

The bus starts to move again to its next set of houses.

There is a huge smile on my face. This one, though isn't like the other ones. This one is full of confidence, more relaxing. No more lying pretending i have cool friends, no more being unhappy, no more sitting in the library during lunch. I need to change. Badly. I'm done with everything. It's time to do me me.

I smile again.

Say hello to the new Chloe Lyons.

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