Still In the Movies - Outside our theatre number - 8:30 P.M. - August 15th

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"You... want to go.... out.... with... Me...? I say extremely shocked.

"Yes. Well I mean, if you want too, you know, be my girlfriend."

I still can't believe what's happening. It's like I'm coming right out of a romance novel. What would people at school do or say when they find out Chloe Lyons and Carter Danielle are... dating?! He is like one of the most popular guys at school. Why does he even like me? Let alone talk to me?!

"Listen, Carter..."-

"Oh. I understand." He cuts me off, looking a bit sad.

"No! I wasn't going to say anything like that!" I screech. "I mean. Um. Well, I haven't exactly ever, um, have had a... boyfriend before." I finish, my cheeks burning. I hid behind my hair.

He looks at me, sincerely. "It's okay. I haven't either."

Shocked, I say, "Your joking, right?"

He touches a piece of my hair and locks it around my ear. "I would never lie to you, Chloe."

"But what about all of the girls at school? I hear them talk about you like 24/7!" I spat.

Suddenly, we are both very quiet, staring into each others eyes. His grey, mine green.

He turns his head right, very gently. Reluctantly, I do the same.

Oh my GOD. I yell in my head, knowing what's about to happen.

His lips land on mine, so gentle and sweet at the same time. It's all happening so fast.

Next thing I know, we pull apart.

I smile, looking down, still pulled back by the kiss.

"So, will you be my girlfriend, Chloe?" He smiles down at me.

I look up at him slowly. "Yes. I will be your girlfriend." I smile back.

He hugs me. I guess this is what it's like to date? I'm not used to it, but I kind of like it. Carter has never had a girlfriend either, that's a perk. This is just all so new to me. What if everyone finds out, Monday. Nobody would believe this. What about Joe? I know I shouldn't care about him, I barely know him. But I do know is how angry he's going to be when he finds out. I hug Carter tighter, cramming my head gently into his chest.

We release.

He looks down at me. "Ready to go in and watch the movie, BB?"

I laugh out loud, knowing my laugh is stupid. "Yeah! I'm ready!"

He laughs now, grabbing my hand and guiding us into the dark theatre.

Aww. I decided to make this a romantic chapter. I guess they're both new to this relationship thing? lol keep reading! :)

-Andy Jay

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