01 | My Butterfly

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Before school had started this morning, I snuck into the science lab by using Miss Yukimura's school pass that was laying unattended on her desk.

I tied up my hair and went into the connecting room to grab an apron and goggles for protection. Before I set everything up, I washed my hands under the sink and chose a station farthest from the door. Hopefully I wouldn't be caught again.

Making my way to the closet, I picked at the lock and staring back at me was all these beautiful specimens of all sorts. I threw my arm out and as I was about to grab the blue container, the lab's door creaked open.

"Ah! I knew it!" Miss Yukimura peevishly stomped over and pulled me away from the closet. At most times, she can be a party pooper, but when I did things like this, my glib would have no effect on her. Well, not anymore.

"Nagisa! I've told you before! I don't mind that you have a curious mind, but doing this will get me in trouble!" Miss Yukimura scolded, "can't you wait till the lab on Wednesday?"

"Heheh..." I awkwardly stopped, "I got really excited." I confessed, "it's not my intentions to get you in trouble."

"Surely you know the rules by now." She sighed, "take those off." She demanded.

"Alright." I gave in.

I took off my goggles and hung my apron away, back into the other room and I slightly pouted at the fact that I was caught earlier than expected. I should of came to school much earlier.

"Let's go Nagisa." Miss Yukimura stood outside waiting to lock the door.

"Sorry!" I pranced out of the room and we both went down the school halls to her classroom on the 2nd floor. Miss Yukimura laid her bag on on her desk and sat down.

"You really love working with subjects and the labs right?" Miss Yukimura seemed to have had it up to here, with my childish games. "Maybe, I could hook you up to a job." She randomly said.

"A job? What kind?" I was intrigued to know the type of service she was offering me.

"It's a research facility, its on the borders of the city and the following town." She explained, "they need an advisor up there. Plus, you seem to have a lot of time on your hands." She raised a suspicious brow.

"S-so, I can work in laboratories?!" My hands made such a cacophonous sound when my hands slammed on her desk.

"If you want to, I'll call up my boyfriend." She gleamed, "it should still be available."

"Really! You mean it!"

"Nagisa, you need to understand what I'm saying." She sighed, "calm down."
Practically I waited till the last bell so that Miss Yukimura would bring me to her boyfriend's job. I've known her boyfriend was a scientist but, didn't know he worked for the government and all. Fascinating.

"You look overly happy today." Kaede sat besides me at the lunch table and then Rio, Okuda, and Yukiko followed with their trays.

"It must be from sneaking into the lab, right?" Rio placed her elbows on the table and leaned in.

"No actually. You could say that it's because I snuck in there." I tried to explain. "Miss Yukimura offered me a job at a RF." I announced.

"That's great Nagisa!" Okuda gleamed and I nodded at her. Even Okuda loves chemistry and anything to do with science. For the most part, it was like having friendly competitions everyday.

"It's about time you found a job." Sugino walked past us with a joking intention and laughed.

"I bet you'll have fun." Yukiko smiled, "maybe find some a decent guy while you're there." As she glared at the group of boys at the other table that Sugino sat in.

"Heheh, whoa there." Kaede patted her back. "Boys will be boys."

"Anyway, tell us how it goes." Okuda said, "I want to know if it's different from the one I work at."

"Sure, yeah. I'll group message you guys."
At the end of the day, Miss Yukimura drove me in her diamond white car. On the way, I managed to witness road signs and warnings the closer we approached to the RF.

That was until we made it to a gate and someone stood there like he was waiting for our arrival.

"Oh, Miss Yukimura. How's your day?" The man tipped his cap, "visiting again?"

"I'm fine and no. I'm here to introduce a possible advisor." She made clear.

"Hello, how are you." He gazed through the window and I waved.

"I'm good sir, and you?"

"All dandy." An ear to ear smile quickly faded when I stopped waving. Like his emotions were stripped from him.

We drove farther in and all that was on my mind was the strange behavior of that guard. He looked completely normal, but it felt off.

"Miss Yukimura, what kind of RF is this? What's being researched here?"

I saw her bit the side of her lip and didn't direct her eyes towards me and continued, "well I've only worked here over the summer once as an office assistant rather than an advisor. So I'm not really sure, sorry Nagisa." She apologized.

"N-no, don't worry about it. I'll surprise myself on the way. You did go out of your way and all."

Once we made it inside, Miss Yukimura was to wait the front while the famous Koro-sensei led me around the facility. I've heard that Koro-sensei was originally a college professor. His age did catch me off guard.

"Nagisa Shiota, was it?" He asked as we walked down the halls.

"Y-yes sir." I replied.

"Don't have to be so stiff." He chuckled, "it's a safe environment. Nothing can harm you, unless they break out."

"Excuse me sir?" I heard something really
disturbing. "They?" I questioned.

"You'll see." He spoke with such a mystic expression, I wonder why Miss Yukimura is attracted to this man.

"As you may have heard, we are a sponsored research facility and sometimes government officials do make there way down here. At least, every month. You'll get a certified badge to be able to pass through and out of the security gates." He assured.

"Sir, uh Koro-sensei. May I ask what I'll be doing as an advisor?"

"Great question." He deviously smirked and opened the swinging doors. "You'll be working with me and my team on our latest work." He walked me over to a giant glass wall that seemed to be connected by fours. Like a cage of some sorts.

"After school and on weekends, you are to come here and collect and record data, even tending to him."

Koro-sensei carried this skewed aura with him. Almost inhuman like. Very suspicious. I stood with caution because I felt threatened for some particular reason.
It was when I saw a man with red hair sitting on a white bed with wires attached to his arm and his one of his legs locked to the ground with a limited chain.

"This here my friend, is Project Karma."

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