88 | The Age of Youth

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It was Namari who was standing next to the leaning tower, Ichiro. Their hands interlocked, while they both looked my way. I didn't know what to say at the moment. Speechless, shamefully speechless.
There are so many occasions where I would compare myself to others older than me.

I can't help it, I want to become a better person. Someone just like Haruki and Ichiro.

Mari ran into my arms and the sudden push back knocked me off my feet and landing on my rear. She embraced me tightly and without having to think about it, I wrapped my arms around her.

"Where were you? I was worried!" I said, while confessing my feelings that I've been hiding for a long time.
Mari inched back with a surprised expression. She instantly and beautifully smiled, while lightly slapping my right cheek with her palm.

"I'm home." She hugged me again, "I'm sorry Naki." She apologized. "Ichiro was with me."

I glanced up to see Ichiro's calm face. He didn't need to explain himself, because I trusted him.
It was bright outside with the sun blazing blindingly. When I squinted from the brightness, I saw a figure standing next to Ichiro. His father. But it was just as transparent as my personality I displayed for everyone. A beautiful lie.

Mari got up and jumped around in excitement, while Ichiro himself lent his hand for me to grab. I got up and he was indeed tall. He patted my back and said,

"Look at you! You're almost my height,"
As if he was teasing, but he wasn't wrong. I've grown taller, but not so much like his grandness. However I knew there was an undertone to that comment. You're almost my height.

How could he believe I would as mature as he is? Im spoiled and don't deserve what I have, because I don't cherish it. Though the opportunity was given to me, yet again by another.

I hope that one of these days, I can admit the wrongs on my own accord, and not solely on the push by someone else.

I knelt down in front of Mari and patted her head.
"I'm sorry I've been acting like a total jerk all these years, I left you alone and I'm sorry for putting you in this situation. Mari, can you forgive me?"

She didn't need the help of Ichiro to decide for her. She immediately nodded her head and embraced me with a kiss to the cheek. She didn't let go and my heart broke down more. I've been making her feel so lonely all these times. I regret every part of it.

"I'm okay, it wasn't that bad. Just remember that I am here too. That I am living the same house and life as you. I'll help carry the bad stuff that is heavy and we can share the weight." She looked at me and brightly gleamed.

I'm jealous really.
That when I've been trying to grow up, I've been doing it wrong all this time. Mari is more mature than I am and I have t accept the fact that expose and experience is what makes a person.

Ichiro came over to us.
"Why don't we go inside? I can smell Haruki's cooking from a mile away." He joked.

At the same time, we heard the rattling and ringing of a bicycle bell. We turned our heads and saw Daichi on his bike at full speed, drawing close to us.
With an immediate stop, he waved his arms while trying to catch his breath.

"Yo! Ya miss me?!" He shouted directly to Ichiro and he started chuckling. Ichiro waved his arms back and cars happen to slow down by the house and gradually into the drive way. One of the two cars happened to be ours.

The doors opened and everyone came out with exhausted expressions, though they were still able to make themselves presentable.

There was the Tomohito's, followed by our parent, then the Karasuma's, and lastly Zuzu, Nozomi, and the husband. Aguri has also arrived.

"Hey everyone!" Momma called out with Papa at her side.
Then came Irina and Tadaomi, with Irina's arm hooked through his arm. She laid her head on his shoulder and sighed. I could hear her from the distance.

"It would of been great if Riku and Aoi were here." Her tone followed with a pout and Tadaomi agreed too, though how they presented their feelings were different. "Just seeing the kids altogether..." she added.

"It cant be helped, I'm sorry Irina." Mama apologized, "how about after dinner, we can FaceTime them?" She offered.

Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and it was Daichi. He squinted and then slapped my back with great force that it stung.

"Benjiro and Hinata were saying hi and you ignored them." He pointed over at the two who were waiting patiently. Even I didn't notice.

"S-sorry. It's nice to see you guys again." I awkwardly tried to fix myself.

"Well, we did see you at school the other day." Hinata brought up and the others around laughed.

"I guess it's a party." Benjiro gazed around, "we didn't get the memo until our parents called home. Everyone is here."

It was an excellent sight. So many of us around, older, and younger. The soon-to-be adults Haruki and Ichiro, and while Karasuma's kids weren't here, them too.

Both Daichi and are still far from that ripe age of adulthood, though the days aimlessly go by. We will get there by no time.

"If you're all here! Hurry up and get inside!" Haruki poked his head through the front door. He had a ladle in his hand, waving it in the air. "Figured that everyone was going to come. I prepared hot pot!" He exclaimed and the parents seemed content.

"Yay! Meat! Meat! Meat!" Daichi hollered in excitement.

"You're going to die of cancer one of these days." Nozomi shouted back while she was with Ichiro and Mari.

The adults laughed and we all eventually made our way into the house.
Haruki did an amazing job getting everything together. The extended table was long enough for everyone, as there was four stoves available with pots filled with boiling broth. An array of colors, which consisted of the meat, veggies, and other assortments of fish cakes, and even tofu.

"My son!" Zuzu kissed Haruki's gentle cheeks and babied him until Daichi got jealous.

"Hey what about me?" Daichi pouted.

"Haruki hasn't been home in so long! And look what he did! Prepared dinner for everyone. And you? You were at the Internet cafe I bet!" She figured him out right away and the parents started laughing too.

The seats were filling and I decided to sit next to Momma. She hung her arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek too. The solemn look when she stared off into nothing, but she was livelier than ever compared to the days when it was just us.

All the parents were obviously fatigued, no doubt about it. I applaud their hard work because I know that eventually, the outcome will be prosperous.
I glanced over at Ichiro who was teasing little Mari while Aguri was giggling at what he was doing, while chatting with Irina.

Momma held my hand and calmly caressed it.
"Soon my darling, soon." She ensured a better future, but I came to realize that it's okay for now. Everything that is happening now, it's happening for a reason. I don't need to rush things.

Papa patted my head and smiled.
And I caught the gaze of Mari who was also staring back with her delicate eyes.
Everything is fine now.

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