54 | Broken Soul

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My ears are ringing, my body feels numb. It's dark and I can't see anything clearly however, there was a spec of light I tried to climb up to. I couldn't move freely as I was forced on my back by the rubble on top of me. I felt a pulse of needles that pricked my legs ever so often, until I couldn't feel it anymore.

I was able to use what was left of my human strength and push out what was covering me. The dust that blinded my eyes and the blood that seeped through the cracks of practically everything. The wind danced almost calmingly, too calm. I rubbed my eyes and looked out. The facility was in ruins. The walls crashed down and there was nothing left. What remained was the the debris and shattered glass that slit my flesh. Some shards poked out of my skin.

Something wrapped around my waist and I knew because of the slight pressure. I looked down and saw an amputated arm. It was Karma's arm. A shock of fright turned me over and somehow I regained more of my strength. On my knees I looked for him. Scoping left and right, he was nowhere to be seen. That was when I saw a red heart laying underneath the scraps. Before I could realize it, what I was surrounded by Karma's remains.

I couldn't scream out. I couldn't cry out. It was like someone had stolen my voice. This felt all to familiar like the day when they took Karma's memories away from him and from me.
I picked up Karma's arm. He had protected me. He held me so lovingly yet seriously to save me. I couldn't bear this repetitive act, sitting back I hung loosely, almost dead.

This powerful sensation that rendered me to sob out. What was that sound? Sirens? Or was it my voice? Why am I not used to losing him? It's just like before but this time he's not coming back to me. He's not coming back.

He had wrapped his own arms around me like he was giving me one last embrace. He knew it would protect me and the baby inside of me. What other option could he have chosen?

This is too much for me. Is this the price to pay for love? What kind of life would I have lived if I had just stayed a science geek without any knowledge about the world around me. I've always wondered what life I could have lived if I hadn't stepped through those facility doors.

"Nagisa! Nagisa!"
I clocked my head and saw Koro-sensei and Irina tripping and staggering over the debris everywhere. Koro-sensei knelt beside me and checked my wellbeing. The eyes he silently gave me I knew those kind of eyes. It was pity.

"T-thank the lord that you're not dead! I don't know how you did it but, you're alive!"

Irina took my arm and hung it over her shoulder to help me. Her words stung a thousand times over. She lifted my body up and I tried to move too but my legs couldn't budge. I ended up collapsing altogether but, Koro-sensei caught me instead.

"Whoa there, I got you." He said supporting me, "watch your steps, we'll help you." He said.

I shook my head.
"What's the matter? Come on, we need to get you to the stretcher." Irina said pointing out to the ambulance and the three men coming towards us.

"I-I can't, my legs- they won't move." I explained. "I can't feel them..." I panicked as I grabbed ahold of Irina's arm.

"W-what do you mean? Your legs?" She looked down and saw how bruised and beaten up they were.

Then came along the paramedics who got ahold of the situation after Koro-sensei had said that I couldn't use my legs. One of them took a sharp silver rod from his red kit and poked the bottom of my feet.

I shook my head horrified, I couldn't feel it. He did the same thing with my other foot. Nothing.

I had lost all the nerves in my legs. The three paramedics whispered to each other and then the men, including Koro-sensei, set me upon the stretcher and rolled me away towards the emergency vehicle. They even managed to take Naoko's body away.

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