24 | Love Square

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"If you were to go. When do you leave?" Nagisa asked as I picked myself up.

"Tomorrow morning. My plane leaves at 7:30 am." I replied.

"So sudden! When did you get the news?"

"It was 5 days ago. Initially I had refused to go. However, since my conscience didn't even seem sure. I had come in as a last resort. Sorry..."

"No need to apologize." Nagisa patted my head and hugged me. "Its late, why not stay here until tomorrow morning? By then, tell me if you have made your decision"

Nagisa, you're too kind to me. You don't know how much I'm grateful to you. This is one of the main reasons that I don't wish to go. There will be that gap again. How will we compensate for that lost time?

"Alright." I spoke. "If that's really okay?"

"Of course! I'll get a bath ready. You can borrow my clothes." Nagisa dashed off into another room and I heard drawers opening and closing shut.

Nagisa. You are too much for me. Thank you.
Soon later, Nagisa had insisted on cuddling with me like how we were in high school. It reminded me of the time we wrapped three blankets around each other and clung close to watch back-to-back horror films.

I stared at her bed blankly. A twin size. Though it was okay, we both had petit builds. Nagisa wrapped her arms around me and began to doze away.

"Thank you Nagisa." I kissed the side of her cheek.

"Hahaha." She slightly giggled. "You know I would do anything for you. I just want you to know I'll support anything you do."

I pinched her nose.

"I know and I'm happy that you would."
The following morning. Kaede had woke up at 6am and she went back home to grab her luggage. She had explained that she had already had her things packed just incase if she had decided last minute. Thus, in the end that was the case.

By then, I had went next door and told Sugino. With his bed hair and wrinkled t-shirt, he greeted me at the door.

"Aren't you a little early for the date?" Sugino asked.

"No, no. W-wait date?"

"Uh, well you know. As friends." Sugino blushed and scratched his head. "S-so, what do you need Nagisa?"

"Kaede is leaving Japan. We're going too see her off." I brought up.

"W-wait. What?" Sugino stared dumbfounded at me. "For acting again? Where this time?"

"France." I spoke. "I'll explain on the way. Well, that's if you want to join."

Sugino nodded his head. "I'll get ready."
"Meet me at the terminal at 7:00am."

"Of course. Thanks." Sugino smiled and closed his door.

This time. It isn't me leaving, it's Kaede.
The feeling of being left, now I understand how she felt.
I was able to meet up with Kaede. All dressed up and dolled up for the flight, you could hear the hollers and whistles for the men who passed her.
And I didn't think I would be catcalled either.

"Hey cutie, mind giving me your number?" A tall handsome man took my hand and kissed it. I was speechless of course. T-this never happened before! I swiped my hand back and then I felt someone pull me back at the same time.

"She's with me."

I turned around and saw Sugino glaring at the man. "Got a problem?" He stepped forward.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Kaede looking our way. Waiting for us.

"Tsk, bitch has a boyfriend huh?" The man walked passed and bumped into his shoulders. I guess you could say that not all the jaw-dropping men, are considered the princes of them all.

"T-thanks..." I awkwardly inched away.

"No problem." Sugino walked ahead to catch up to Kaede as she waved towards us.

When I managed to join the two. I noticed that Kaede's bangs were out of sorts.

"Let me fix that." I rearranged her hair and she giggled.

"Thanks Nagisa." She took both my hands and swung them lightly. "Can I talk to Sugino?" She nervously asked.

"Y-yes." I nodded my head. "I'll get out of your way."

I sided myself and waited on the sidelines as both of them began to talk. When I really looked at them. I wasn't mistaken from my first encounter of their possible love for each other. Was it wrong to think that Sugino would be better off with Kaede?
Come on, just say what you have to tell him straight.

"Your leaving again huh?" Sugino spoke with a friendly smile.

"Yeah..." I nodded my head.

"You doubted yourself about getting this role. Why do you look like your holding back? Wasn't this what you wanted back in high school?" He asked.

Why does he remember these things? If you keep doing this to me, I will end up staying and leave this opportunity behind.

"I guess two years is a long time for me." I replied. "I think I'll be homesick."

"An excuse like that?" Sugino chuckled and brushed the back of his hand across my cheek.

"W-what about you and Nagisa?" The words painfully came out.

He shook his head.

"You've done enough. I'll take it from here. You can say that once you're back, Nagisa and I will be an item." He laughed.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it." I gleamed.

I overlooked the time on my phone. It was 10 minutes before boarding and I had to hurry.

"I'll see you then. We'll keep in touch okay?" Sugino was ready to let me go.

But I wasn't ready to let go.

"Yeah, we'll text often. Okay?"

Before I knew it. I saw myself leaving the only opportunity behind. One, that I will regret forever.

If you don't want anything to change Kaede, confront the thing that you're worried about the most. Before it's too late.
I released the luggage handles and went back to Sugino who had his hands in his pocket.
I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. On his lips.
I drew back and I knew my face was glowing with depleting pride. Even he was stunned and his eyes that showed me more than the universe could ever was lovely.

"I love you Tomohito Sugino. When I come back. I'll make you fall head over heels for me. That, I can promise you." I led a pause. "Thank you for everything till now." My voice skipped on its own. "I'll see you soon."

"K-Kaede..." He touched his mouth with shock.

Immediately, my shoulders had lost the weight it had been carrying for so long. I felt so free from the chains of forbidden love. I'm sorry Nagisa, this is the real me.

I'm selfish and I want a taste of that love too.

I grabbed my things and before I parted. I stopped by Nagisa and hugged her once more. She had saw my public confession.

"K-Kaede, you-"

"Nagisa. I hope you can entrust Sugino to me." I secured the embrace and spoke, "I'll miss you. Thank you Nagisa."

In all of this. I could feel the moment being chipped away. Like glass being bombarded with a brick. The loud crash and shattering.

"I'll see you when you get back Kaede." She kissed the side of my cheek, like how I did for her.

Taking my belonging. I headed towards the gate. Once I pass here, the two years will determine my fate. I took one last glance and I found myself blinded by cries of both despair and joy.


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