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Mother and Father said we are going to the market today. That's a first we never leave the house because father says it's too dangerous. 

"Luna! Solis! Hurry!" My mother calls. She is very excited to go to the market since we usually get our neighbors to go to the market for us. I run to the door only to see my older sister beat me again. 

"Solis! Why do you always beat me when mother calls?" I ask.

"Because I'm older." She laughs.

"Come on girls. Your father is waiting for us there." My mother calls. We walk out the door, and start to walk towards the market. It is a really hot day here.  We have to walk for at least an hour before we got there. I see my father run up too us, and whisper something in my mother's ear. Her eyes widen, and she looks frightened. I look past my mother and father, and I see why. There are Imperial stormtroopers here. 

"Luna, Solis run! Your mother and I will be right there." My father tells us. That's a lie. I can see it in his eyes. He knows he won't be coming back. I take off with Solis at my heels. Even though she's older I'm faster than her. I look back, and the stormtroopers got her. 

"Run!" She screams. I do as she says, but my path is blocked by stormtroopers. They grab me, and drag me to what must be the center of the market. I see my mother, father, and sister on a platform, but for some reason I am not.

"These people are rebels." A voice says. I don't even bother to try, and find out who it's coming from. "This is what happens to rebels." A whole line of stormtroopers come up, and shoot them. My family is dead. I hear the stormtroopers say something about how I'm young so I didn't know what my family was doing. I then hear them say how I will be put in a new family that supports the Imperials. I want to laugh. Do they really think I will ever join the Empire? After what they just did? No, I will never. Instead I will do whatever it takes to get payback.

The family I am stuck with seems weird, other than the parents and how they love the Empire. They always seem on edge.  I mean throughout the two years of me living with them I never made friends, and I mostly stuck to my room. That's no reason to be scared of me though. I can't make friends not after what I saw. I am getting out of this house today. I sneak downstairs, and I find a blaster and some credits. I manage to get to the door, but before I open the door I hear someone.

"I let you into my family! And this is how you thank us?" The man that's my 'father' yells.

"Why yes. You see did the Empire ever tell you why I needed a home?" I say with a evil grin. "Because they killed my family! And that is not okay. I promised myself I would get payback, and I will." I am nearly yelling. "Goodbye." I walk out the front door, and I start to run through the town trying to find a ship to sneak onto, but no luck. 

"Hey it's her!" I turn to see a bunch of stormtroopers headed my way. I turn to look the other way, but I'm too slow. I'm surrounded. 

"We know where to take you." One of them laughs. They lead me onto a ship in cuffs. What could be worse than this?

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