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I'm running. I see stormtroopers coming towards me. I blink. I'm back in my cell. I hear screams. I hear yells. I look up and everyone I know dies again and again. It never stops. I scream. I yell. I see a stormtrooper turn towards me with a blaster in hand. 

I wake up with a start. That was just a dream. Just a dream. I'm awake now, so I might as well get up. I have a shower and I get dress. All with that dream in my head. I sit down, grab some paper, and I draw. I draw every detail from the dream. I am almost done when I hear a voice. That's strange it's early yet no one should be up, but I hear it again clearer now. I turn my head. 

"No!" I yell. 

"No? Why no?" The voice says.

"Because y-you're the one. Who wants me dead!" I say to the voice which is coming from the hologram, and which is the very same person who was talking to me last time. "Not just that. I blew up at least half a fleet of cargo ships! Why the hell are you talking to me?"

"What you did when you blew up the cargo ships was very impressive I must admit, but that is not why I am here. I am surprised someone ,as young as you are, was able to do that. However, you said you chose the rebellion. That is where we have a problem. You see, I don't believe you when you say you chose the rebellion. Do you want to know why? It's because you belong here in the Empire, and you know it." He says. 

"You're just saying that to scare me. I would join the Empire over my dead body. Besides how do I belong in the Empire?" 

"Do you want to know why your family was kept alive for so long?" 

"What do you mean so long?" 

"You see we knew they were rebels. I just thought they would change."

"Change? We are the good. You are the evil." 

"Now why would you call your own uncle evil?" 

"No. That's not true." 

"It is."

"Then why would you kill your own family?" 

"Because they had no use to the Empire, but you how ever could do great things for the Empire."

"No!" I scream. "You killed them! You killed your own family!" I take a breathe. "I was right. The Empire is pure evil."

"You are wrong, we are not evil."

"Not evil?! How are you not evil? You killed my entire family, and everyone I so much said hi to! And now you expect me to join you?!" I scream. "You're right you're not just evil, but you're stupid too."

"I think you know why we did that."

"Because those who fear others join the ones who they fear." 

"So you understand? You fear us, so you must join us."

"Fear you? Are you insane? I hate you. I want revenge. I do not fear you, for fear is a sign of weakness." 

"You tell yourself that. If you want to go say hi to your mum you are welcome to." He says with a evil grin.

"No! You will not kill me! You will not defeat us! We are united by hope not fear! I will get revenge for my family!" I yell, and then the hologram turns off.

I fall to the ground. The door bursts open.

"Luna? What happened?" Someone asks, it's Cassian. I can't say anything. "Luna?" 

"It came back."

"What did it say?"

"H-he's my uncle. He killed them." 

"Uncle? What do you mean?" I look at him. I know he knows what I mean, but he doesn't want it to be true.

"The person who wanted me to live. The person who wanted my family dead. He is my uncle." I feel like the whole world is falling down. How could someone do that to their family? Kill them, but not their daughter? Why? Why do that to someone? Why do that at all? Oh yea, because they're sick and cruel. They don't care about family. They don't care about emotions, or other peoples lives. They just care about themselves. The reason I have my scars is because of my uncle. He didn't want be dead. He wanted me alive. He wanted me to join them. 

"I'm going to kill him." I say.

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