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I finally finish the drawing of myself, and I'm so tired I fall right asleep. The next morning I wake up to the sound of people in the hallway. They're too far away for me to hear them, but it sounds like they are arguing. I see someone walk in closely followed by Cassian.

"Hello Luna. I am General Draven."  The man says. "I heard that you want to go on a mission. Even though you are only fourteen."

"Is that a problem?" I ask trying to sound sweet and innocent. 

"Yes, it is actually."

"And why is that?" 

"Because you are too young."

"Come on! Not this again!" I'm getting frustrated. 

"What do you mean again?" 

"Cassian tried to talk me out of wanting to go on a mission. I told him I'm no use here I'm more of a use out there than here." 

"Why didn't Captain Andor want you going on a mission?" 

"Because he said it's too dangerous."

"I agree with him on that. You are not going on another mission. For your own safety." 

"My own safety?" I nearly yell. "My own safety!? I nearly died twice when I was here! I am endangering others not just myself!" 

"Then if you are so worried about everyone else's safety you can have a room to yourself, like a cell, but nicer."

"So I'm going to be a prisoner here?!" 

"No, not necessarily."

"Here I thought the Empire was bad. The rebellion is just as bad." I snap. I see Cassian's eyes widen. "Goodbye." I jump off the bed, and I run down the hallway. Good thing I decided to get dressed in normal clothes today. I keep running even though I have no idea where I'm going.

"Luna!" I hear someone call my name. "Luna!" 

I make it outside, and I start to walk. It feels nice to be outside with fresh air. I stand still only for a moment before I hear my name being called again. 

"What?" I yell. I turn, and I see Cassian standing behind me.

"I understand you want to go on missions, but maybe it is safer if you stayed here." He says.

"No." I shake my head. "It will never be safe anywhere I go. For some weird reason my insane uncle wants me alive. And I have no idea why. I would rather die trying to figure it out than staying here." 

"Luna, you are staying here. That is that." 

"Really? I heard people arguing in the hallway this morning, was that you? If so why?" 

"I was trying to convince him to let you go."

"Then how come you're against me going now?" 

"Because orders are orders." 

"Really?" I reply sarcastically. "Well this is how much I give about orders." I flip up my middle finger. I walk away. I know Cassian won't try to follow me because he knows I'm mad. I walk around until I find a ship that looks strangely familiar.  I go inside. I can't seem to figure out why this ship looks familiar. I glance outside, and I see that it's getting dark outside. I might as well sleep here for the night. No one will come look for me anyways. I find a small space on the floor of the ship. I curl up in a small ball, and I close my eyes. 


"Luna?!" I wake up to someone yelling my name. I open my eyes to see that it is Cassian. 

"Hello." I say. "Let me sleep."

"Luna! Why are you on my ship?" He says angrily.

"Oh, so that's why this ship looks familiar." I mumble before going back to sleep. I wake up not too long after because Cassian thought it was nice to shake me until I woke up. 


"I found the ship. It looked oddly familiar. It was getting dark. I went to sleep. Now let me sleep." I say tiredly. 

"No, you cannot stay here." 

"Well too bad."

"Luna Mors!" He nearly yells. "You are not allowed on this ship!" 

"Too bad. You do know that saying my name like that only works if you know my middle name right?" I say. 

"Yes. I know that."

"Why don't you want me on the ship?"

"Because I was getting ready for a mission."

"When do you leave on this mission?"

"In about a week."

"Well I know where I will be in about a week." I say grinning. 

"No, you are not coming." 

"Too bad, so sad." I reply. 



"Now you are going to go back to the base."

"Fine." We start walking back to the base. It feels like morning outside. 

"May I ask you something?"

"Uh oh. Whenever you say that something bad is going to happen."

"Not this time." He chuckles.

"Okay then what is it?"

"What is your middle name?"

"I have two. Tenebris Lux." I say.

"So your full name is?" 

"Luna Tenebris Lux Mors." 

"That's a long name."

"Never mind that. What is the next mission?"

"Wait and see."

"Come on."

"Hey you aren't suppose to be coming anyway."


"I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Will we be seeing my uncle?"

"I hope not."


"Because I know what's going to happen if we do, and I don't wan that to happen."

"I'm going to die." I pause, "Or he's going to die." 


"He's going down." I grin.

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