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I have been here for 1,095 days. New prisoners look shocked when they see me. What's a kid doing a prison? They all whisper. Wouldn't you all like to know, but I am no kid. Not after what happened to me. I see that it's time to get up, and get to work. We work for a few hours until I over here the stormtroopers saying something about a few of us switching work camps. Now that's weird. I wonder who will be switching. Usually the really dangerous people get switched. As I continue to work I see out of the corner of my eye stormtroopers walking up to me.

"This way." One says. Me? Why move me to another camp? I am pushed onto a ship, but I notice that I'm the only prisoner.  I sit down in one of the chairs. Before long we take off. The last time I did something stupid was three years ago, so why are they sending me somewhere different? 

Once we land I am thrown into a vehicle. We start to move, but I start to hear a banging noise from the roof. I all hear is the stormtroopers say, "What the?" A few of them move toward the door. A big explosion hits. Whoever is attacking us throws a grenade inside. As soon as it goes off I black out.

I awake in a room that looks like a hospital. I seem to be the only one in the room. I get off the bed I am on, and I see a pile of clothes sitting on a some table that says my name on it. I grab them, and get changed. I sit, while I look around. Someone opens the door, and says, "You're awake! I'll be right back." Weird. I wait. Someone else opens the door.

"Hello, follow me." He says. I get up, and I follow him through a maze of corridors. We finally arrive in a room, which must be the room we are supposed to be in because he tells me to sit. I sit down, and a few people walk into the room. 

"Is this her?" One asks.

"Yes, why else would she be transferred to a different work camp." Another says. Finally someone addresses me.

"What is your name?" A woman asks.

"Don't you already know it? You seem to know about me than I do."  I say. 

"We want to make sure it is you." She replies. "What is your name?"

"Luna Mors." I answer. "And you?" 

"Mon Mothma." She sounds kind, but it could just be a trick.

"How old are you?" The guy who brought me here asks. 

"Well let's see my parents,and my sister were killed when I was nine. Empire loving family for two years, so I must have been eleven. I was taken to a prison work camp for 1,095 days, I must be fourteen."  I answer. Now they can't ask me about my life because I just summed it up for them. 

"What do you mean your parents, and sister were killed?" That same guy asks.

"It means the Imperials caught us took my family up to the center of the market, and shot them all. Except for me." They look at each other. What's so weird about the Imperials killing people? 

"Do you know why you weren't killed?" That same guy says, I wish I knew his name, I know there's Mon Mothma that's it.

"I was told because I was a child, and that I didn't know what my family was doing."

"You said your sister died. Why kill her? Was she not a child?" 

"She was sixteen." They look at each other again. "Stop that." I say before I can stop myself.

"Stop what?" The guys asks. 

"Looking at each other. I know you either have an idea of why I wasn't killed, or some else, but you aren't telling me everything!" 

"How do you know that?" 

"I learned to study body language. Now tell me what you are keeping from me." 

"And why should we tell you?"

"Because it's about me."

"We don't know exactly-"

"You're lying. Tell me why I was being moved to another camp." 

"We don't know. You're special, maybe even dangerous to the Empire. Do you have any special talents?"

"Well before I was sent to prison I was pretty good at reprogramming things, I also picked up how to tell if people are lying, and of course I can read body language."

"Anything else?"

"I remember everything."



"What do you mean?"

"Name a date that something happened. That happened when I was younger."

"Okay what was your mother's and father's names?"

"They never told us."


"Because the Empire has ears everywhere or at least that's what they said."

"Did anyone know their names?" 


"Okay, that's enough for now." Mon Mothma says as she steps in. Their hiding something, but what?

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