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"How are we going to get out of this?" I ask Cassian.

"I'm not to sure, but don't worry we will."

"Is there a window in here?"



"Over there." He points to a medium sized window. I run over and look out it. No Imperials on this side.

"We can go out the window."

"Isn't there Imperials out there?"

"Not on this side of the building." I look around. "Where's my blaster?" 

"Oh, here." Cassian tosses me my blaster. 

"How do we open it?" 

"Try pushing on it." I throw myself against the window, and I hear it crack.

"That worked." I throw myself against the window one more time. The glass shatters. "Ready?" I ask  Cassian.

"Yes," He nods. "Run to the ship, and don't look back." 

"But what if-"

"There won't be a what if. Your job is to keep running, and to get on the ship."  I nod. I look right and then left, no Imperials near by. 

"Come on." I take off running as fast as I can towards the ship, with Cassian close at my heels. I start to hear blasters being fired, but I don't look back. No matter how much I want to I won't. I reach the ship. I open it and head in. I look out, and I see that Cassian has fallen behind. I see stormtroopers going closer to him. I grab my blaster, and I look at it for a second. I can't fly a ship even if I wanted to. I shoot one of the stormtroopers, and they all look at me. I can tell they know who I am. I continue to shoot them until Cassian is back on his feet running towards the ship. As soon as he gets on we take off.

"I thought I told you to not look back." 

"I can't fly a ship." I say, but also I would miss Cassian if he died. "Also you're like a brother to me, and I can't stand to see anymore people I care about die." 

"Okay, but if I died they would've got you."

"But you didn't now did you?"

"No, I guess you're right."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." He answers, but he seems unsure. 

"How long were you in the rebellion?"

"Since I was six."

"Oh." That's a long time. He must have grew up with the war. 

"My life was nothing like yours though, it had its ups and downs, but it wasn't as bad as yours."

"Day 13."


"Day 13. Is the day I tried to escape. I failed of course. The day before I overheard some stormtroopers talking about killing of prisoners because there was way too many of us. I also remember hearing them talking about how they can't wait for the Empire to win. I was scared and stupid. I ran for it, but I didn't know the only way out was on a ship. For some weird reason they didn't kill me. I still don't know why. Others have tried to make a run for it and they were shot. I wasn't though." Cassian stays silent after that. I don't think he understands how my life was before, but I think he wants to. 

"You said your brother taught you to shoot right?" 

"Yeah, why?"

"Were you that good when you started?"

"I guess you could say I was. I can aim quickly and shoot at a moving target, with it hitting the target."

"Shooting just came naturally to you?" 

"No, well, when I first started I wasn't but in a few weeks I was okay and I just got better from there." We sit in silence as we fly through space. I look out the window and I see ships. I am not to familiar with ship, so I don't know if they are friends or foes. "I have a question."

"Yes? What is it?" Cassian answers.

"Why did the Imperials go to that rebel base? And why did that rebel tell you to take the girl and leave?" 

"My guess is that the Imperials are looking for you thus why they were at the base, and why I was told to take you and go." 

I look down at my feet only to remember that I cut my leg pretty badly. I look at my leg and I see I deep red scar on my leg. "Wonderful." I mumble. 

"What was that?" Cassian asks.

"Oh, nothing. I just noticed that I have another scar for the collection." It's so sad that I can say that. How many more am I going to get? Every time I walk outside? In a rebel base? Everyday while I'm alive? When will the pain stop?

"Well, you did fall on that rock pretty hard. The cut was pretty deep." I want to laugh. That looks deep? I've had worse, but I don't want Cassian to worry. I keep my mouth shut. I seem to be getting pretty good at it. 

"We are now on Yavin 4." Cassian says. I must have closed my eyes because now the ship has landed and I will hopefully be safe.  

"Hey Cassian."


"Promise me something."


"Promise me I get to go on your next mission with you." 


"Because here I'm useless, and out there, in missions I can do things, I can help."

"Fair enough, you can on one condition."

"Okay, and what is that condition?"

"Don't die."

"Sure. I haven't yet." 

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