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I walk over to the bed and I lie down on it. I am so tired. I don't even change into pajamas, I just keep my tank top and pants on. I close my eyes, and I drift off into a dreamless sleep.

I awake to hear someone talking. I get up, and the hologram is back.

"That was very stupid of you to tell them about your past." The person in the hologram says.

"I didn't even tell them the worst parts though." I say as I get up and walk towards the table.

"Yes, but they will soon ask more questions." 

"How do you know about my past?" 

"I work for the Empire do I not?"

"Yes, but I thought not very many people knew what happened."

"I am one of the few who does know what happened."

"How do you know I'm here? How do you know I told them about my past?"

"What do you think?"

"You have spies here."

"Of course, not very good ones mind you. And we only sent them in once we found out you were taken there."

"Why me? What makes me so special? I just know a lot of stuff about the Imperials and the rebels."

"You will find out soon enough." And with that the hologram is gone. I sit down for a second to try to process what is happening. I turn to hear the door trying to open. That's weird. Don't people knock? I grab a jacket, and I get up. Wait. Spies. Spies are here which means the person outside isn't someone who is safe. I go to the back of the room, and I curl up in a small ball. Maybe they'll think they got the wrong room. The door explodes, the person must have gotten impatient because now everybody knows what they are doing. They person walks up to me, and grabs me. I would fight back, but he has a blaster. He drags me out of the room, and he starts to go down the corridor. I see people ahead. 

"Help!" I yell. I only yell once because the person hits me quite hard for it, but once is enough. I see people coming. Surrounding the person who has me.

"Put the guns down or she dies." The man says. 

"If she dies so do you, and this would've been all for nothing." Cassian says. He's right behind him, and he has his blaster out. He shoots the man, and he falls to the ground. I stand in the same spot. "Are you okay?" I nod, but I'm not. "Follow me." I follow him, and we go to what must be another spare bedroom. I sit down on the bed. "What happened?"

"Hologram." I say.

"It came back?" 

"Yes, said there were spies here."

"Anything else?"

"It also said it was stupid of me to tell you about my past."

"Why would it be stupid? We could help."

"You would just ask questions, and you want to know more about my past."

"That is true I will not lie, but be honest. How much did you tell us?"

"Just the tip of it."


"There's way more worse things."

"Like what?"

"Things you couldn't even imagine." 

"Tell me."

"Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you when you are terrified. When I was eleven I wasn't taken straight to a prison or work camp. I was tortured. Why? I don't know. They found everyone I so much as said hi to. And they brought them in, killing them one by one right before my eyes. They whipped me so many times. They kept saying join the Empire, but I didn't. I won't. You wouldn't believe how many times the bullets just missed me. I have scars everywhere. When they gave up they sent me to a work camp. There I got the worst jobs, and I got in trouble the most." 

"What do you have that they want?"

"Information. Like I said earlier I remember everything, and somehow they found that out."

"I have to get going." 


"I have a mission."

"Let me come with you." 

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