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I wake up the next morning on the floor. Great, I fell asleep on the floor. Now my back is probably going to hurt for the rest of day. I stand up, and I see a note on the door. It says:

Do not leave this room under any circumstances.

We do not want you to run off and get yourself captured and killed. 

If you open this door an alarm will be sent off. (If you meddle with it, an alarm will go off too so don't even try.)

Please listen to us and stay in your room. 

I sigh. I am not a little kid! Besides do they really think I am stupid enough to run away? I can't even fly a ship! Oh, well. I might as well write or draw for awhile. I go over to my desk, and I see something rather odd looking. It looks like a note, but it's different writing.

Dear Luna Mors,

Do you want your dear friend, almost brother, Cassian Andor to die? Do you want the Rebellion to die? Well, that might very well happen. You are wanted everywhere, and there are more than a few willing bounty hunters to do the job. Of course, we won't pay them. We'll kill them, but that's besides the point. What we want you to do is very simple. Come here, and we won't kill any of your friends, or rebels, for a short period of time. 

We will get you either way.

-Malum Mors 

Oh, how wonderful. My insane uncle wants me to willingly come to him? Also we won't kill them for a short period of time. Really? If you said you won't kill them I that might've made me come. I turn the note over. I notice that there's a date on it. Now that I look at it more closely I see that there are two dates. One is my birthday. While the other is death day. 

No, how could he know the death day? That was the day my family died, and a ton of civilians. I nicknamed it death day because people associate death with a number of days, so they would never be able to tell what day I was talking about. 

I hear a knock at the door. 

"Who is it?" I yell.

"Cassian." The person yells back.

"Come in!" 

Cassian walks in, and he looks very tired. More so than usual. 

"Thank you for not trusting me to not run away." I say bitterly. "I mean there must be Imperial spies here because somehow I got this note." 

"I'm sorry, we just didn't know what you were going to do. Wait- Did you say note?" 

"Yeah, here." I give him the note, and his expression darkens.

"When did you get this?" 

"I found it when I woke up, right after I read your note." I try to study his face to see what he is thinking, but all I can tell is he's confused.

"What's the matter?"

"How did someone sneak into your room, with an alarm on?" 

"I have no idea! I was sleeping!" I start to think though. "The window."

"What about the window?"

"Someone could have gotten in and out without anyone noticing."  

"That would make sense, but why not just do another hologram?"

"Because you heard me. I'm going to kill him. Do you really think I would want to talk to him?"

"No, good point."

"May I ask you a question?"

"Depends on what it is."

"Why are you in the rebellion?" 

"I'm in the rebellion because they killed my family as they killed yours." 

"Oh." I thought something like that happened, but I wasn't sure. Cassian gets up and is about to leave the room. "Hey, Cassian."


"At least you don't have a collection of scars to remind you." 

"You're right. At least I don't." He pauses. "How can you joke about that?"

"Joke about what?" 

"Your scars."

"I don't know, I'm just used to them. There's nothing I can do to get rid of them." I state. "When is your next mission?"

"I don't know yet. You really still want to come?" 

"Yeah, why would I not?"

"You are weird."

"How am I weird?"

"You have nearly died how many times, and you still want to go on more missions. And you're only fourteen." 

"Like I said how many times before, I can't be helpful here. At least out on missions I can be doing something useful." I break out into a grin, "Besides I saved you once I might need to save you again."

"In your dreams." He smirks as he walks out closing the door behind him. 

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