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I am in a room. It looks like a cross between a cell and a bedroom.  I am alone. I walk over to a desk, and see that a hologram appeared. A person in the hologram starts to speak, but the thing that catches my attention isn't the hologram or the person. It's what they are saying. They are saying nonsense. The person is talking about how the rebels will all die, and lose the war. Which is weird because if the rebels really wanted to test me they could've made me read something boring, and make me tell them everything about it a week later. 

"So? What do you say? Will you join the Empire?" The hologram says. This is weird, really weird.

"What do you mean?" I say. 

"I mean Luna Mors. That I am offering you a spot in the Empire." 

"H-How do you know my name?" I say unsteadily.

"You're smart. You'll figure it out." And with that, the hologram is gone. I run to the door. I open it, and I run down the hallway until I run into someone. 

"Hey watch where you're going." It's the guy from earlier. He looks at me. "What are you doing?"

"A hologram in the room I was in." I say out of breath from running.

"A hologram?" He raises an eyebrow. "From who?"

"Someone. T-They knew my name, and they were asking me to join the Empire." 

"Come with me." He takes me back to the room where they asked me questions. "Wait here." He runs out of the room leaving me alone. What just happened? Someone was recruiting me for the Empire. Over my dead body would I join them. "Tell us everything." He comes back with Mon Mothma who looks very worried. I start to tell them about the hologram, but with every sentence I see the worried looks get worse. I finish, and it's silent. 

"Why did that happen?" I ask.

"We don't know, and that is the truth." Mon Mothma says. She is telling the truth. 

"Then why don't you tell me the things you're keeping from me." 

"Your name is Luna Mors, correct?" The guy asks. 

"Yes, it it, but before we get started may I ask yours?"

"Cassian Andor."

"Okay, start explaining."

"Before your family died did you ever reprogram anything?"

"Yeah, all the time."

"Did other people know this?"

"Everyone did. It was my 'special' talent."

"What was the hardest thing you reprogram?"

"I programmed a Imperial ship to blow up as soon as it started flying, but that wasn't very hard. The hardest was probably reprogramming droids."

"Why did you reprogram droids?"

"I was lonely. I wanted friends."

"How did you get that scar?" He says as he points to my arm.

"I forget." I lie. They can't know.

"You're lying."

"How would you know?"

"Your eyes. You're scared."

"This scar is one of the many that I have." I pause, am I really going to do this? "Before my family died. I liked to break into Imperial bases, and find out secret information. I did that to the rebels to, but the bases were harder to find. Since I knew so much about the Empire and the Rebellion, the Empire offered me a job to find and break into rebel bases. Of course I declined. They were very mad, so one day I was outside my house. It was actually one of the few days my parents let me outside, and I see this big group of stormtroopers coming towards our house. I ran inside and told my parents who looked very worried even though they didn't know about the Empire asking me to join them. The stormtroopers, they killed my older brother, and whipped me with a laser whip. All because I wouldn't tell them anything. That is how I got these scars." I say pointing to my arm and to the scar right by my left eye. "My sister was in her room while all this was happening, but she wasn't as freaked out as she should be. I now realize that my family was in the Rebellion." Cassian and Mon Mothma stay silent. "Well now since I told you how I got these scars I might as well tell you how I got this." I pull up my right sleeve. "This is a scar from a blaster, but it was not shot by stormtroopers. It was shot by the rebels. I nearly lost my life when I was caught in the crossfire when I was four. I do not easily forgive nor do I easily forget." 

"How old were you when you started reprogramming things and breaking into bases?" Cassian asks.

"I was two when I started to reprogram things and I was six when I started to break into bases."

"Why break into bases?"

"I was bored." 

"Luna I am very sorry for what happened to you when you were four I am sure the rebels who shot you never meant to. Do you remember what they look like? Maybe we can ask them." Mon Mothma was trying to make everyone happy, but my answer she wasn't going to like.

"They're all dead." Mon Mothma turns to Cassian and whispers something to him. He nods.

"Luna come with me we are going on a walk." Cassian says.

"Okay..." A walk? That's weird. Shouldn't we be figuring out who sent the hologram? I follow Cassian out the door.  

"You have experienced more than most rebels here, and you're younger than probably all of them." Cassian starts to say. "But you're still not telling us the full story."

"What do you mean?" I try to sound confused, but it isn't working.

"You know very well what I mean. You have scars on your shoulders, and neck. What happened?"

"Fine. I didn't tell you everything, but I won't at least not yet."


"Because what happened to me was far worse than what happened to anyone else. And I don't want to relive it."

"Okay, but at least tell me your brother's name."

"Felix Mors." 

"How old was he?"

"He died when I was eight, so he must've been twenty." Cassian doesn't say anything. He walks me back to the small room. He nods. I go in. It feels nice to be alone. I walk to the bathroom. I take off the shirt I am wearing, so I am just wearing a small tank top. I slowly retrace all the scars I have. Too many to count, but I do know this. I have a past. And that past may help the rebels one way or another.

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