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I can't get the dream out of my head. I am going to die before my time because of my last name. Wait, why hasn't my uncle died yet? Maybe because his time is undecided. Also, what do my other names mean? He said he like Tenebris more than Lux. Why? 



"What does my name mean?" 

"Nothing." He says it too quickly. 

"You're lying."

"No, I am not." 

"Tell me what my name means now!" I yell. 

"I don't know what your entire name means. I only know what Lux means."


"It means Light."

"Light. Wait, so that must mean." I pause. "Tenebris means Dark."

"It makes sense, sort of." He seems confused. 

"Maybe they knew I would have to chose between light and dark."


"When will we reach our destination?" 


"Will he be there?"

"Yes, or at least I think so." We sit the rest of the ride in silence. Neither of us know what lies ahead. Once we land I notice something doesn't feel right, like something is just letting us land. We get off the ship, and we sneak off towards the base. Once inside the doors close, locking us in.

"Hello, Luna." A voice sneers. I turn to see who is speaking, and it is none other than my uncle. I reach for my blaster, but as soon as I grab it a group of stormtroopers come rushing in.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask. "I have no value to you." 

"Really? Is that so?" He asks.

"Yes." I start to play around with my blaster so he doesn't realize I am about to shoot him.

"Well, I might as well give the order to shoot." He sounds almost sad.

"Wait!" I yell. I see Cassian turn his head towards me. How he's going to kill me for this. "I'll join you, this is the winning side right?" 

"Yes, this is the winning side. Come over here." He motions for me to come to him. I walk right up to him, and I shoot him. 

"All Mors die early, I guess this is your time to die." I say. I turn around, and I nod to Cassian. We start to shoot the stormstroopers. I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my side causing me to fall down. I look behind me, and I see my uncle grinning. 

"No, not just my time, but yours as well." He says. I pick up my blaster, and I shoot him right in the face. 

"I hate you." I say. I'm starting to lose consciousness. I can feel the blood pouring out of my body. 

"Luna!" I hear Cassian yelling. My vision is starting to go blurry. "Luna!" Is he crying? I can feel my body giving up. My whole body is in pain. 

"Goodbye." I whisper.  

A/N: Hello! That is the end of Scars! I hope you all enjoyed it! This chapter is shorter because I had major writers block, and I knew what I wanted to happen, but I didn't know how to make it happen. I have other stories on the go, if any of you are interested! Anyways I really do hope you enjoyed this story as much as I liked to write it!

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