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"May I ask you something?" Cassian asks.

"Sure go ahead." I reply. 

"What did your brother do?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why kill him, and not your parents."

"He kept to himself mostly. He taught me how to shoot, and how to lie. That's all I know. He never told me anything. As a matter of fact no one told me anything. As soon as I entered a room conversation would die."

"And you're sure that your family were rebels?"


"Did you tell me everything about your past?" He knows I am not telling the full truth. I say nothing. "Did you?"

"No. Nor do I want to." 

"Why not?"



"I don't want to remember anymore. I don't want to see everyone die again."  

"You didn't give many details when you told me about your pas, so I can't understand what it's like."

"Want me to?"

"If you want to."

"Okay." I breathe in. Here goes nothing. "I was eleven. The stormtroopers took me into a small room. It has a window in it. The window does not look outside. It looks into another room. The stormtroopers leave, but not for long. After a few hours of me sitting in the room all by myself, some stormtroopers come in. They pull me up, and force me to look through the window. My neighbor is there. A nice old lady who said hello every once in a while. They kept saying tell us everything, and join the Empire, but I refuse. I kept my mouth shut. A stormtrooper comes into the room with my neighbor in it, and shoots her. I wanted to scream and cry, but I did not. I kept my mouth shut. When they asked me again, and I refused they whipped me. I screamed in pain at first, but after the first time I was used to the pain." 

"That was only a little of what happened?"


"Why hurt you if they want you?"

"Because people who fear others join the ones who they fear." We don't talk. After what I said I think it finally went through to Cassian that I have had a horrible life. We land, and I see that I made a bad mistake coming here. There are wanted signs for me everywhere. I grab a scarf to cover my face. 

"Stick close to me." Cassian says as we get off the ship.

"Why would I not?" I say trying to make a joke, but this is no laughing matter. I follow Cassian through the crowd. I start to see more, and more stormtroopers. "Cassian." I say quietly. 

"What?" He says. He sounds annoyed, probably because we should stay silent.

"Look around you." I say. That should be a good enough answer for him.

"I think we are being followed." 


"We need to split up, and get to the ship."

"No. It's too risky." 

"Do you have another idea?" 

"Follow my lead." Is all I say. I start to walk forward. "Well come on! Mother will not be happy if we are late!" I say loudly.

"What the-" Cassian starts to say, but he understands. If we can fool them into thinking we are kids who live here they might not check us. I turn down an alley. 

"We can make a loop back to the ship." Just as we turn a corner a bunch of stormtroopers start to come towards us. We turn and run the other way, but there are stormtroopers there too.

"Stop right there." One says, his blaster pointed at us. "What are your names?"

"Dormi Vivere, and this is my brother Lux Vivere." I say. 

"We need to see your identification." 

"Oh yes of course." I say, as I grab my blaster. I motion for Cassian to do the same. "1-2-3!" I say under my breathe so only Cassian can hear. We pull out our blasters at the same time, and shoot the stormtroopers around us. "Run!" I yell.  As I run my scarf falls off my face. 

"It's her!" A stormtrooper yells. More stormtroopers are coming. I see the ship in the distance. It's not very far away. I look behind me to make sure Cassian is behind me and he is. We somehow make it back to the ship. We take off, and I feel relief go through my body.

"We made it out." I breathe unsteadily from running.

"Barely." Cassian says.

"Sorry about whatever mission you had. It's lost now."

"There were stormtroopers there. That means my mission wouldn't have been successful anyways." Cassian puts the ship on auto pilot as he sends a message to the rebellion. He mutters a few things before turning to me. "We have another mission."


"You are here, and it would take too long to take you back to the base." 

"Well I guess we have another mission then." 

"The rebellion, they want you to do something."

"What do they want be to do?"

"Make a ship blow up." 

"And why would they want that?" 

"I'm not to sure. A distraction I think." He's lying. 

"A distraction?" I grin. "If they want a distraction, a distraction will be exactly what they get."


"How many Imperial ships are there?"

"More than one."

"How big of a distraction do they need?"

"A very big one."

"Well I might be able to blow up a couple without being seen, but I will need someone watching my back."

"That's where I come in."

"Well let's make some ships go boom." 


A/N Hello! I hope you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I am writing it. 

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