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I wake up early, for once, so I head done to the cafeteria for breakfast. No one seems to be up yet, so I walk over to a table and sit down. I hear someone walking in the hallway, so I get up. I look, and I see no one I know. I don't know very many people here, so it is not a big surprise. I go back to where I was sitting, and I sit back down. The person sits right behind me. That's weird. There's probably about ten more tables, and you choose the one right behind me? The person is really starting to creep me out, so I get up to go back to my room. Once I get to the hallway I stop, and I hear the footsteps of the person behind me. I pick up the pace, to almost a light jog, but I can still hear that person behind me. I run to my room as fast as I can. Once there, I lock the door and I look for my blaster. I hear someone stop outside my door. They knock. 

"Hello?" I say trying to sound like they woke me up. No one answered. "Hello?" There's more panic in my voice. "Who's there?" Someone starts to bang on the door. By the sounds of it, the door will break open any second. I point my blaster at the door. The door flies open. The person walks in. "Don't move a muscle." I say pointing my blaster at him.

"Come on, I doubt you would be able to kill me." He says.

"Who the hell are you?" 

"That is not important." 

"Okay. Then why are you here?" 

"Again not important."

"Not important? You knocked my door down!"

"What I meant to say was it's not important for you to know." He takes out his blaster. "Now come quietly."

"Never. Besides you seem to be forgetting that I am pointing a blaster at you." 

"No, I did not forget that. I just know you don't have the guts to shoot me."

"I don't? And why is that?"

"Because you don't like to kill. You relive everyone deserves to live."

"Who told you that?"

"No one. You're just that easy to read."

"Am I?" I say with a fake sounding shock in my voice. "Well if you say so..." I shoot his leg, and knock his blaster out of his hand. "Gee you weren't expecting that were you?"

"No." There's anger in his voice.

"I will, however, not kill you. You may bare information on the Empire." 

"I thought you were smarter than this."

"Smarter than what?"

"This was all just a distraction." As soon as he says that someone grabs my arm. I scream. My scream is quickly cut off by the person covering my mouth. 

"You know what I have to do, so they can't trace me." He says to the guy on the floor.

"Yes, I knew it was going to happen one way or another." The guy responds. He shoots him. I have to get out of here. I try to struggle out of his grip, but he's too strong. 

"Stop struggling. You aren't getting away." He grabs rope and ties my hands together. I hear people running in the hall. 

"And how do you think you are getting out of here?"

"The same way I got in. The window." 

I look around. What can I do to get out of this? His back is to me, so I look and somehow grab the blaster on the floor. I hit him over the head with it, and falls down. I start to run out of the room, but he wasn't knocked out. I can hear him yelling at me. I feel I sharp pain in my leg. I look down. Wonderful he nearly shot my leg off. It hurts to run, but I have to. I run into the hallway. 

"Help!" I yell. I see someone coming towards me, but they are still far away. I run towards them, but I trip and fall flat on my face. I feel someone grab my arm, and drag me up. 

"Here I thought you were smart." He says. Of course it's the guy who wants me for the Empire. 

"Actually I am." I say. I elbow him hard in the ribs, and I run as fast as I can with my hands tied. I see the person in the hallway is Cassian. I see him motion for me to run on the side of the hallway. I do just that. I see him pull his blaster out. He shoots straight at the guy, and he falls to the ground with a thud. I don't stop running until I reach Cassian. He unties my hands. I hold onto him for support because I feel as if I'm about to fall over. 

"What happened?" He asks me.

"I went to the cafeteria. This guy sat right behind me, so I got up and went back to my room. I locked the door, and he broke it down. But he was just a distraction that guy," I say pointing to the guy Cassian shot. "Killed him so he couldn't be traced." 

"Why does this always happen to you?"

"I don't know. My uncle is insane." I feel my leg start to go numb. "Cassian. My leg." 

"We should probably get you to the hospital." 

"Yeah, that would be smart." We start to walk towards the hospital. Well, Cassian walks. He more or less drags me there. By the time we get there I start to feel faint. 

"Nurse!" I hear Cassian say just as I loose consciousness.  

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