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"What? Are you mad!?" Cassian says angrily.

"No. I want to come. I want to help." I say.

"You are wanted." 

"So? I imagine you are too."

"Not as much as you."

"Then I will just have to cover my face." 

"No, you are not coming!" 

"What am I suppose to do then? Sit around and do nothing? I want to help. I want answers. No, wait I need answers. I am coming with you."

"You're only fourteen."

"So?" I am getting more and more mad as this conversation goes on.

"You're a child! You don't know how to shoot or fight back. It's too dangerous."

"I don't know how to fight back? Look who you're talking to. I held my mouth shut as I watched all the people I knew died before my eyes. I kept my mouth shut when they whipped me, and nearly shot me. I know how to fight back! Don't you ever say I don't!" I can feel the anger burning in my veins. How dare he say I can't fight back.

"Fine. You can come, but if you die it's not my fault."

"Of course, it wouldn't be it would be my own." He leads me to a ship. 

"Get in." He says. He sounds very annoyed. I don't even bother asking where we are headed.  I just sit and wait for him to come aboard. I see that he is talking to somebody. Whoever it is looks very serious. I see Cassian walking towards the ship.

"Who was that?" I ask as he comes aboard.

"No one you need to worry about." He replies.


"Do you know how to fly?"

"No. I can shoot, not fly."

"Why do you know how to shoot?"

"Because I needed to defend myself."

"Why would you need to defend yourself?"

"We live in a world with the Empire." 

"Good point."

I close my eyes and I fall asleep. I'm watching everyone die all over again. I see stormtroopers watching me. I am in a cell. I am being whipped. I start to run, but I can't hide. I scream, but no one hears me. 

I wake up with a start. It was all a dream. Just a dream. None of it happened. 

"Are you okay?" Cassian asks me. I nod, but I'm not okay.  I just saw my past flash before my eyes. 



Hello! It is me the author! I really hope you are enjoying this story! I am sorry for the short chapter. I hope to make more longer ones to make up for it. 

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