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I wake up on a hospital bed. I look around, there aren't very many people here. I start to move when I hear someone's voice.

"You are staying right there young lady!" It was a nurse.

"How long was I out?" I ask.

"Two days." She says. Really two days? Wow, that's a long time. My leg still hurts a little, but not as bad as it was. I mange to sit up without the nurse yelling at me, and I ask for a notepad and something to write with. She looked at me strangely, but she got me some anyways. I start to draw everyone I know or knew. It will take me awhile, that's why I'm doing it because I know I won't be allowed out anytime soon. I was probably on my third or fourth picture when I saw him come in. 

"Cassian!" I say. 

"Luna! You're alive!" I could hear the worry from his voice disappear.

"Yes, why did you think I died?"

"You were out for two days."

"So?" I say. "Oh, great." 


"I have another scar for the collection."  I notice that Cassian looks as if he wants to say something, but he doesn't know what. "Don't feel bad. It's just a scar. I have probably at least ten or twenty of them." I'm trying to make him feel better because I can tell he blames himself for what happened. "When's the next mission?" I ask.

"No, you are not coming. It's too dangerous." He says grimly.

"How is it dangerous?" I argue. 

"Look what happened when you here! You're not even on a mission yet, and you nearly died!" He's almost shouting.

"Maybe it's safer out there than here!" I challenged.

"And why would that be?" He asks.

"They won't know where I am! And if I'm not here it's safer for everyone!" I say madly.

"You're just a child! Children don't even get to go on missions!" 

"That never stopped me before!"

"That was before I realized how dangerous it is for you." 

"What changed?" 

"You nearly dying here!" He pauses. "I already said why you can't come."

"Well, too bad. I am. You can't stop me." I can tell he wants to argue with what I just said, but he won't because it's true no one can stop me from going on a mission. "Besides out there I'm useful. Here I'm useless."

"If you die-" He starts.

"I won't die, and if I do it will be my fault, not yours."  We sit in silence for awhile. "So, when's your next mission?" I grin. 

"I don't know when, but soon I think." 

"Good. I can't stand doing nothing." He laughs.

"You? Doing nothing? You should try to do nothing for once." 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean when ever I see you, you are either injured, drawing or writing, or trying to not get killed." 

"Drawing and writing do not count, and me trying to not get killed well I'm just trying not to die!" 

"Very well. You still have been doing something though even if it isn't important." 

"I guess." 

"I have to go now, I'll come talk to you later okay?" 

"Okay." As Cassian leaves I pull out my notepad from before, and I continue to draw all the people I have met. 


I must have fallen asleep because now the hospital room is dark, and no one is in it. I hear a voice. 

"Join the Emipire." It says.

"No. I thought we've been through this before." I say. 

"Yes, we have but this might change your mind." I look over to where I hear the hologram coming from. I see Cassian. 

"How?" I say. I see the look in Cassian's eyes to not join them. 

"Quite easy actually." 

"But why? Why do you want to bring pain to me?" I say. 

"Because it's easy." He motions stormtroopers to do something, what I don't know. I immediately realize what's going to happen.

"No! He's like a brother to me!" I scream.  "Don't kill him! Please!" I feel tears starting to form. The stormtroopers shoot him. "No!" I scream. I hear someone walking up behind me. I turn, and I see stormtroopers, and my uncle. 

"Kill her." He says.  

I scream. 


"Luna! Luna!" Someone's shaking me. I slowly open my eyes. It's Cassian. 

"But how?" I ask. 

"You were screaming in your sleep." He says. Oh, that probably explains as soon I was going to die I woke up.

"What happened?" He asks.

"In my dream I woke up, and the hologram was back. They had you, and they killed you. Then my uncle was there, and he order the stormtroopers to kill me." I say. "It was just a dream?" I ask.

"Yes, I'm fine. You're fine." 

"When is the next mission?"


"Good. I need to get out of here."  I look around, and I don't see my notepad anywhere. "Where'd it go?" I ask.

"Oh, your notepad?" He hands it to me, "I found it on the ground."

"Thanks." I pause. "Did you look in it?" 

"Yes. I think I know who you should draw next."

"What do you mean?"

"You drew everyone you knew or know right?"

"Yes, I just finished the last one."

"You should draw yourself."


"Don't you want to have a picture of yourself?"

"Not really."

"Well think about it. Besides who else will you draw?" With that he leaves the room.

I open the notepad to an empty page. I grab a small mirror, and I start to draw myself.


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