Chapter 4

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Marks Pov

Jack starts raising his voice on the other side of the door, then it's quiet, and I hear two more voices, DARKER voices, oh no they're here, not now! I hear ???? raise his voice, he's probably getting mad at Jack, so I quickly unlock the door and open it, I see Jacks beautiful body and I see ???? and ????, ???? looks slightly pissed and is standing quite close to Jack, so I quickly stand in front of Jack to protect him "Back off!" I tell the others. ???? both step down and I feel arms wrap around me, Jack is hugging me, tight. I turn around to face him, but his face is glued to my chest so I hug him back, I missed him so much...

Jacks Pov

The door opens and I see Marks handsome body, he's alive! He quickly steps in front of me and tells the others to back off, they do, I can't contain my excitement! I quickly wrap my arms around Marks waist for a hug. He smells like milk chocolate (YUM!) and... strawberries. Mark turns around but I don't look at his face, I keep my head down and enjoy the moment, it takes all my will to not cry in front of Mark and his "friends". Mark all of a sudden wraps me in a hug and I can't help but smile.

After 10 seconds that felt like eternity, we let go of each other, I look I to his chocolate brown eyes, the ones I long to wake up to every morning. Then he speaks "Jack, what are you doing here?" "I had to make sure you were okay! You practically went missing! I was worried sick! For all I knew, you could've been dead!" I say back to him, the last bit coming out without thinking. Mark has a surprised look on his face then says "I'd never leave you" then he brings me into another hug.

Marks Pov

Jack thought I was dead?! That's messed up! I should've texted him, so I simply say "I'd never leave you" and hug him again. Then I hear the guys behind me say "We're still here remember?". Then I turn around and give them my 'death stare' and let go of Jack. "Who are these guys Mark?" Jack asked "Jack, This is Dark and Anti" I answer "Nice to finally meet you Jack!" Anti said, "Yeah, Mark talks about you a lot Jack" said Dark. I felt my cheeks turn as red as my hair used to be "Dark...." I whined. He just looked at me with a smirk. I turned to Jack, I knew this would kill me more than it kills him, unless he stays any longer, then he will be killed.

Jacks Pov

"Jack, I'm sorry but you can't stay, you have to go home RIGHT NOW!" Mark tells me. I look into his chocolate eyes and I feel the happiness drain away from my heart. "But...but..." before I could finish, Mark brought his hands to his face and starting screaming like a madman. Before I could do anything, Dark and Anti grabbed Mark and pinned him to the wall. "Snap out of it!" "Fight it Mark! Don't let it take over!" I. Was. So. Confused.... What the FUCK WAS HAPPENING?! Mark looked up at me and his eyes... we're like those eyes I saw in my nightmare. I felt the colour drain from my face as I felt a thud on my head and everything faded to black...

Marks Pov

After I gained control, I stared at Jack on the ground, did I really scare him that much?! What's wrong with me?! I quickly run to Jacks side to make sure he's okay. He's still breathing, that's a good sign. Anti bends down next to Jack too and examines him. "He'll be fine, he just fainted... we should put him into a bed and put a cold wet cloth on his head to help with the headache he's going to be dealing with when he wakes up"  said Anti. We put Jack in my bed and put a cold wet cloth on his head, I know this might sound creepy but I love watching him sleep, he's so peaceful, like an angel, which reminds me why we can't be together, how could an angel ever love a monster? I leave him alone and return every few hours to check on him, eventually I get tired of going ack and forth and just sit and watch Jack sleep. At 6am the next day, I begin to get bored so I go downstairs but just as I reach the living room, I begin to hear cries and the floor boards creaking, so I dash upstairs to find Jack crying in his sleep, he's probably having a nightmare...

Jacks Pov

I had the dream again, well, this time it was different. Instead I woke up in a black room, tied to a chair with rope, it rubs against my skin and burns. I want to scream for help but my mouth is so dry.. then I hear a lock click and I see a door open, my eyes take a second to adjust to the light and see a figure standing in the doorway, it looks like... Mark but his eyes... his eyes were like the last dream... finally he spoke "Morning sleeping beauty... ready for some fun?" he asked with a deep dark voice, then I notice a knife in his hand, a sharp looking one too. "M...Mark?" I manage to squeak. He walked over to my chair and leaned into my face, our noses just touching... then he brings the knife to my cheek. "You don't call me that anymore okay? Call me daddy..." he said in a sexy voice. Then he pulled the knife away but then he says "Just so you learn your lesson..." he brings the knife to my arm and begins to cut it, slowly but painfully. It one cut but it's deep and bloody.

I scream and begin to cry like a baby. Then he slaps me hard across the face and told me "Shut the fuck up or I'll give you a real reason to scream!" Then he brings the knife away from my arm and pulls me into a deep rough kiss, I've always wanted to kiss Mark but not like this. Then he breaks the kiss and licks his lips "You taste beautiful, can't wait to taste more" and with that he turns around and opens a huge closet full of torture and sex 'weapons'. Whips, gags, it was like fifty shades of grey. I cry more, I can't help it and then I shake... then he turns around and says "What did I just say?!" then he begins to walk over to me, I look away, close my eyes and scream. The all of a sudden, I open my eyes to see Mark, his chocolate brown eyes looking worried. I break down into tears and bring him into a hug, he hugs back... I hate that nightmare but I know it's not Mark, it's not MY Mark anyways...


Sorry that this chapter is so short and shitty, but it's the best I can do at the moment. I'm back at school and I'm still adjusting to school life again. So I might not be able to update everyday anymore, it could be every two to three days because I need to focus on school this year so sorry about that but I will update I promos all of you and thank you to everyone reading thi, voting and commenting! I love you all! See you in the next chapter!

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