Chapter 12

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Jacks Pov

I start waking up, and I try to move but I'm in too much pain. I try to open my eyes but they're heavy. I hear someone yelling something, and I hear a machine bleeping. I convert all my energy to open my eyes, the light stings but I open them anyways. It's blurry at first but then my eyes focus, like my camera at home. When my eyes focus, I see Mark, standing over me. "Jack? Can you hear me?' he says "Y..yea w..what ha..ppened, wher..e we?I squeeze out. Mark looks to around and I see that everyone else is there. Zoe steps forward and lifts my hands do they are lying next to me, and I feel something strange.. something soft. I look beside me and I see feathers, lots of them. Then I realise., they're attached to me! I try to move them and they twitch.. I HAVE WINGS?? "What in the actual Fock?" I yell and Celi steps forward "Jack, you're part angel!" My eyes widen, is this what Ma was talking about? She's an angel and my dads a human, so I'm half angel! I don't say anything, I'm so surprised. I gawk at my wings, they're a lovely white with a slight hint of green. They're so beautiful and then I realise, that no human should have to say that.

Chases Pov

Jack hasn't said anything, he just has a look on his face that looks like he saw a ghost. Celi steps forward "Jack, I know this is difficult to accept but I think you'll see that it's gonna be okay!" but I don't think Jack is listening. He's so... lost.

Jacks Pov

I'm so lost. I don't know what to say, I look up and everyone's staring at me, but I don't care at the moment, because with my headache and back pain, I don't know how to react. Then Mark turns to the others and says "Can we have some time alone?" then everyone nodded and left. Mark sat down beside me, "Jack, are... are you okay?" What a stupid question... OF CORSE IM NOT OKAY! I was just told that my whole life was a lie! "No" I said bluntly "Jack, it's going to be okay... I know what this feels like but it'll improve..." he said calmly "My mother gave her life for me and I almost died yesterday! I DONT THINK THATS OKAY!!!" I yelled. I just snapped.... at my love, I immediately feel a wave of guilt.

"Mark, I'm s.." I'm cut off by Mark immediately wrapping his arms around me, I pull him in, I'm so cold and he warms me, just like he melts my heart. Then he pulls away and says "Jack, you wanna know why I'm fighting this war?" I nod "I know I could've easily walked away, but I chose to fight so that I can be human again, and be with you!" That's it, I know he loves me, I can't hold back any longer. I grab his hot cheeks and pull him in so our lips meet. He tenses at first, then he relaxes and kisses me more passionately.

Marks Pov

I lick the bottom of his lip, asking for entry. Before he can do anything, there's a banging on the door, and we immediately jump. Then there's a voice "Hello? Mr Mcloughlin?" It's a females voice, none of which I know, me and Jack look at each other with a big sigh, just as things were kicking off. "Come in" I say. Two nurses enter the room, one with blonde hair and the other with Hazel. They both have beautiful mascara, I'd love to be able to do makeup like that. "Hello sir, My name is Amy and this is Signe, we're your nurses" and I signal them to come forward and they all forward. "Well, Mr Mcloughlin, do you have any angel relatives that you know of?" Amy asks "My mother was, she died when I was born" I said, and Mark looks at me shocked "So you weren't lying? She actually came to you in dream?" He asked "Of corse why would I make something like that up?" There's an awkward silence then I turn back to the girls. "Ah, of corse, well it seems you've inherited your mothers wings and your dads human strength" I think I've worked that out already... "You are a very lucky man, Sean. Usually when angels earn their wings, it doesn't end in such a mess but with you being half human, that transformation could've killed you!" Signe said. Great... just what I need to make myself feel a million times better. "We're gonna let you go home but if anything happens you are to let us know right away, do you understand?" Amy said with a serious look on her face. "Yes mam" I say weakly. I'm so tired, even though I've slept for so long. At least I get to go home, or what I call home now.

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