Chapter 8

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Chases Pov

Zoey's heart necklace begins to glow, meaning they're calling us back. So I turn around and say "So guys, you ready for an adventure that will shatter reality?". Mark and Jack look at each other with a confused look then Jack holds Mark's hand and whispers "I'm not going anywhere..." Mark nods his head in agreement, then they both and say "Yep, we're ready..." "Good! Let's go!" Anti says then he leaps out the door. Dark rolls his eyes and walks out behind him. Then Zoey and I walk out with Mark and Jack tailing us. When we got out we started walking for 15 minutes and then Jack asks "Where are we going?" I turn around and answer him "We're going to the the Anti world but to get there, we have to find Felix and Craig, we left them somewhere in the forest" then Zoey said "Uhh..guys I forgot where we left them..." said Zoey "What??" yelled Dark "I forgot where they were" Zoey squeked "Typical..." I hear Dark mutter under his breath "What did you just say?!" I start getting angry, no one fucks with my friends "Its just so typical of Zoey to..." Dark is cut off by Anti "Dark, stop it, it doesn't matter..." "Why'd we give that kind of job to someone who has goldfish memory??" yelled Dark. Then everyone froze.

Zoeys Pov

That last comment was... I know I have a bad memory, but it's not my fault, being beaten over the head thousands of times will damage something... growing up was very difficult for me. As all the memories hit my head like a big bag of dicks I looked at the ground, I felt weird. Chase, Jack and Mark surrounded me, Jack and Mark hugged me while Chase looked at me with a sympathise look, I get it, he doesn't like to touch people to people to touch him. Anti turned to Dark and growled at him "Why the fuck did you say that? She's your friend and you know what she's been through!" "I...." Dark was about to say something when Dark was hit with a sudden burst of lightning. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Then I looked up to see Felix and Cry, holding their wands with a serious look on their faces. They walked over, Cry came over and asked if I was okay, while Felix kneeled down next to Dark and said "How'd that feel bitch?" Dark was growing mad, but I stepped in. I held out my hand to help him up, he looked at me suspiciously but he slowly accepted it. I helped Dark up and he apologised, I said it was fine.

Felixs Pov

Zoey is so kind and forgiving, I know for sure if anyone said anything like that to me, they'd be dead as fuck! Then I snapped everyone back into reality, I see the loveable green-haired Irish bastard "Hey Jack!" I say then I walk over and give him and hug while Cry comes over and gives him a handshake. Come on guys, the cars this way..." then we all started walking... silently.

Cry Pov

I was walking close to Zoey as we made our way back to the car, it was so awkwardly silent, luckily the car wasn't far. We walked through the trees. I gazed up at them, they're all so different, like us, some are thin, fat, twisted, straight and some have special abilities. Makes me wonder why humans judge each other and yet when they look at a tree, they just let it be, they don't judge it, yet it's still a living being like a human. Then the trees, everything I just thought about reminds me our the paranormals history, the wars and everything they've done to us. Humans can be cruel sometimes..

Jacks Pov

After what seems like an eternity of walking, we find a road with a unique looking car, it looks so farmiliar, wait.. HOLY SHIT IT LOOKS LIKE THE FUCKING DELOREAN!! FROM FUCKING BACK TO THE FUCKING FUTURE!!"

A/N I legit met Christopher Lloyd (doc from back to the future) and got a picture with the delorian at Armogeddan last year! I also met James and Oliver Phelps (George and Fred from Harry Potter) and I met Natalia (she plays Nymphadora in Harry Potter) too! Sorry for the fangirling and boring life stuff, back to the fanfic and Thank you lovely butts for almost 200 reads and 8 votes holy fucking shit!

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