Chapter 17

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Chases's Pov

Mark is doing well, I'm proud of him, but then Ethan does something no one expected. He tried to bite Mark. He leaped at him, full strength with his teeth bared and tried to BITE HIM! Doesn't Ethan know what that could.. or will do to him?? I knock Mark out of Ethan's path before he can bite him and Ethan knocks me down. We get up and he starts apologising, "OMG! CHASE! IM SO SORRY ARE YOU OKAY? I.." I cut him off "What do you think you were doing? Do you even know what you were doing?" I yell at him "I...I'm sorry.. I.." Ethan's cut off by Mark, knocking him down and pinning him down to the ground by his throat, his eyes targeting his neck. I try to pull Mark away but he just punches me and sends me flying across the room. The world starts going in slow motion, How? How could I let him hit me like that? I'm stronger than that, as my head hits the wall, I get an instant hangover and fall into the world of unconsciousness.

3rd Person Pov

Chase hits the wall and falls unconscious, Mark is about to kill Ethan. Mark raises his hand to strike Ethan down once and for all, but suddenly memories of them together come flooding through his mind and he steps down, "Eth.. I.. I'm so sorry" Ethan looks up at TO him eyes full of fear, "It's.. it's fine" he says trying to get up. "This was a stupid idea (this fanfic in a nutshell 😂) and I'm sorry, I should've never done this" Ethan says, "No you're just trying to help, being a good friend" Mark says. He helps Ethan up and they carry Chase upstairs, Ethan places Chase in his bed and Ethan cuddles with him. They are left alone and Mark walks downstairs. He finds Celi in our bedroom, on her phone.

Marks Pov
She notices me walking in "Hey, you okay?" She says. I take a deep breath "No" I say. She looks at me with a concerned expression, "What do you mean, what's wrong?" She sits up and I sit on the bed and I tell her, "I'm a monster, I killed Zoey and I almost killed Chase and Ethan" I sigh looking at the floor, running my hands through my hair. She sits beside me "Mark I can never forgive you for killing Zoey, but I understand it wasn't your fault you were brought into this when it wasn't your fight, when we win and get you back to normal, it'll be okay" she says, I look at her and hug her, she hugs back, I thank her and walk out the door, not being able to bear seeing her eyes again. I walk to our room, Jacks lying on the bed, casually reading a book. He looks up at me with his beady little eyes. "Hey" I smile at his perfect smile. I lie down with him and he cuddles into me, it's silent, all I can hear is the steady beat of his heart, soon I hear soft snores, like a lullaby, they send me to sleep.

Chases Pov

I flutter my eyes open, to be met with two beautiful blue eyes, "Hello sleepy head" he says "Hi" I say. We just start staring into each other's eyes and smiling. "You feeling better?" he asks me "I'm fine but I could really use some quiet" I say. So we lay there for what seems like an eternity, a long beautiful eternity. Then we hear a knock on the door "Hey guys, dinners ready" "Coming" I say. I look back at Jack "I don't want to get up" Ethan whines "Me neither but if we don't eat soon, I may have to eat you" I say, attacking his neck with kisses. "Stop! Ahaha ha stop it tickles! Okay okay!" Ethan laughs, I pull him up off the bed and we walk downstairs, hand in hand. We get to the dining room and the table has bowls full of delicious Chinese foods. I see dumplings, wontons, some type of chicken and veges dish, noodles, and fried rice. I grow hungry just at the sight, just wanting to pounce on the table and eat it, but since there are people here I can't. So I grab a plate and pile on the food, I am absolutely starving, my head is hurting so food will solve it because FOOD SOLVES ALL OF LIFES PROBLEMS. I'm totally kidding, kinda. Anyways, everyone's heading to the lounge, so we follow. We find everyone on the couches cuddling, and watching "The Lost Boys" so we join them. As soon as I sit down, Jack asks me "Woah, how much food do you need?" "A lot" is all I reply with before filling my mouth with dumplings. After about 10 minutes of me stuffing my face full of food, Mark asks me "Chase, how many dumplings have you had?" "50" I reply "And how many do you need?" Mark asks "300 more" they all start laughing at me. I feel anxiety curling my bones but Ethan puts a hand on my shoulder and relaxes me, "Dont worry Chase I've got a whole fridge in our room FULL of dumplings" and I giggle at his joke. When we all finish our food, Celi brings us tiramisu, (which is like cheesecake but with alcohol) and I immediately grab a large amount in my spoon, and I look at Ethan, this gives me an idea. I nudge Ethan and he looks at me, I raise the spoon and he reads my mind. We start feeding each other the dessert, and once we've both finished, everyone starts groaning "OMG Stop, we're trying to eat!" Craig says "Would you rather us fucking each other right here right now?" I sternly ask "We've already heard you two, we don't need to be traumatised by watching" Jack adds "You're one to talk" Ethan quickly adds, and we all start laughing our asses off. After dying on the floor, we finish watching the movie, which is really good btw, and we all head to our rooms for sleep. Except me and Ethan have other plans.

Ethan's Pov

We go to our room and close the door. "Ready?" Chase asks, "Ready!" I say. We both run towards the balcony, jump off and transform, landing on the ground and starting to run through the forest. It's a half moon, so the night isn't very bright but it still shines. Me and Chase start chasing (pun intended) each other around. We love sneaking out and having endless hours of fun together, since we're werewolves, they don't need a lot of sleep. We started playing tag, hide and go seek and soon, we found themselves at a cliff with a clear view of the moon. I look up, seeing the stars twinkle and dance in the sky. I look at Chase, his eyes glimmering in the moonlight. He has a look on his face that looks like he has an idea, "What are you thinking?" I ask him "Howl with me" he says, then he starts to howl and I ask him "What?!" He knows I don't like my howl, it's weak. "Howl with me at the moon Ethan, I know you can do it" he says with a voice full of confidence "But my howl.." "Is beautiful, there is no other wolf I would rather howl with me" I look into his eyes, sparkling and I just can't say no. So I take a deep breath and howl with him, we start howling together and I start feeling better, his howl is so beautiful, it's strong yet majestic. We stop to take a breather, and we nuzzle. I love Chase, so much, there's no one I'd rather be with.

He's my one and only.


Hi everyone sorry for the crappy chapter, so I finally know what I'm doing with this story. I want to thank you again for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter Bye my derps!

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