Chapter 14

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Jacks Pov

I'm woken up by the sound of a scream, a thud and sobbing. I jump out of bed and run into the hall, I see Mark, cradling a body, a motionless body. "M...Mark?" I ask with my voice full of fear, he turns around and I'm shocked at what I see. His face is red as blood which is smeared all around his mouth and stained on his teeth, his cheeks red from tears, and his eyes are red too, his face is covered with the colour red. "Don't look at me Jack... I'm a monster...." His voice is deeper, it makes my hair stand up on end.

I look at the body next to him, "Is he.."
Then a door swings open, it's Celi "WHERE THE FUCK IS ZO..." she pauses as soon as she sees the body. Then everyone starts to wake up and they come into the hall, each forming a scared look on their face. Everyone starts to stare at me, then I remember it still naked. I cover up my genitals, so does Chase and Ethan. There's an awkward silence until Celi yells

Chase Pov

"What the bloody hell happened?!" She shrieked, Mark didn't reply, he just kept sobbing. "Wait who is that?!" Ethan yells. Mark looks up and shows us her face, it's Zoe... Celi sees this and falls to her knees. Mark looks at her with sadness and regret in his eyes... "I'm sorry, so so so sorry" he sobs, Celi just looks at him with fury in her eyes "Sorry won't change what you've done" with that Mark bolts out the door, and Celi begins to cradle her girlfriends lifeless body.

Jacks Pov

Celi starts yelling at Mark, then Mark just disappears in a blur. We all look at each other, then Ethan says "Where the fuck did he go?" "I don't know but we have to find him!" I yell

Bing says. I look at Celi, she's eyeing Mark down, anyone can tell she's angry as fuck. I kneel down next to Celi and put my hand on her shoulder "Celi... I'm sorry but we need you" I say, she doesn't say anything. "Okay" I say then I stand up "Let's get some clothes on first" then I go into my room. I walk in and put some clothes on. I walk out and Ethan and Chase waiting downstairs and Celi hasn't moved. we all go outside and go looking for him.

We split up into two teams, and we start walking and walking. Eventually, Ethan stops "He is around here somewhere I can sense him" he says. We all nod and go seperate ways. We call out his name, then I remember something - I can fly! I start to flap my wings and soon I'm above the trees. I have to find him soon, or else. Soon, I come to a cliff, and I see a figure. I fly down and land in the trees next to the cliff. I look at the figure, is sitting on a rock on the edge of the cliff, so I slowly walk towards it, it's not wearing anything, but it's got black hair and blood all over him, It's Mark! I run up and hug him from behind "Mark, are you okay???" I ask, he just remains silent. I sit down next to him, and he refuses to look at me, but I can tell he's crying. He looks back at the ocean and I ask "Mark please talk to me?" He just closes his eyes and sighs, "Jack, why do you love me... why do you love a monster?" he asks "Because you give me a reason to live I love you and I know that you'll get better" I say. Then he turns to me "I remember when I first met Zoey, and she told me about her life, she didn't deserve any of the shit she went through" he says "Can you tell me?" I ask, he just hangs his head and then he begins.

"When she was 7, her family and her were in a car accident, her mom, dad, aunt, uncle and cousin died but she survived. She went to live with her other aunt and uncle which she had never met before, but that was the only place she could go. There was a reason she had never met them, the uncle was always drunk and abusive and the aunt was always too scared to say something. She became very depressed and anxious about everything. Then one day, when she was 10, she made a plan to escape but it didn't go so well. Her plan was to call the police and have him taken away but that's not what happened" he trailed off. I waited and she started again "As she was packing her things, she heard something from downstairs, screams. She slowly went downstairs to see her uncle and aunt on the floor in the lounge, naked... having sex. Her aunt was crying then she cried out "HELP IM BEING RAPED!" and then he grabbed something, a gun. He shot her and blood went everywhere. Zoe began to cry silent tears, then she heard him say "Now for the other one" Zoe knew immediately what he meant. She ran into the kitchen and saw something on the bench, a large sharp butcher knife. She grabbed it shaking and felt something behind her, it was him. He grabbed her ass and she turned around quickly and accidentally slashed his stomach, he cried out in pain. His face immediately turned to rage as he bent over clutching his stomach trying to stop his blood and organs leaking out. Then Zoe got angry and she raised the knife and slashed it into his neck. He feel to the floor dead, then she... grabbed the knife and... cut off his limbs. Then she realised what she did and ran out of the house crying. She ran into the woods not stopping. She ran and ran for an hour until she came to a beach, it was closed off from the world she was alone. She collapsed and cried her eyes out, and then she

in the head with a baseball bat, which made me black out, then when I started to gain consciousness, I saw my uncle cornered my cousin. He grabbed a knife and stabbed my cousin, right in the stomach. I felt my anger rise, then the police arrived. They held him down as they tried to drag me away, but I needed to do something first. I punched the people holding me then I ran up and shot him with a blast of magic. I didn't realise it, but I accidentally activated my pony side. My uncle had a hole in his stomach, and he fell limp. Then they knocked me out and took me to a hospital... of some sort..." and she trailed off again. I just hugged her and said "You don't have to continue if you don't want to.."

She took a long breath and exhaled "No, you need to know the whole story" she said "When I awoke, I saw a girl balling standing over me, it was Celi. Apparently her father was taken by the sea, the very thing she held dearest. They became close friends and soon met Chase, he never told them where he came from, but they didn't mind. It was just them against the world, then they found YouTube. They all loved it and went to Pax and Vidcon, and met their favourite youtubers, then they found the portal. We found out that our favourite Youtubers were supernatural, but they promised to keep their secret. Over time, her and Celi fell in love and Chase found Ethan. Her life was finally perfect, oh god what have I done..."

That was the most sad story I have ever heard "Mark I..." I hugged him and he hugged back. "I'm never leaving you I love you no matter what" Then we started watching the sunset in silence. Then I heard a shout "MARK! JACK!"


Thanks for reading! Love you all xoxo

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