Chapter 11

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Jacks Pov

I wake up to the sun peaking through the curtains (Btw the sun in the Anti world doesn't hurt anyone) and they sting my eyes a bit. I try to move but I feel something restraining me, something... hugging me. I'm pressed up against something warm and soft. I open my eyes and I see Marks perfect body, pressed up against my own. I feel myself blush and I notice his arms are wrapped around me, I feel so relaxed and... safe, like no one can hurt me, like Mark will protect me no matter what. I snuggle into him more and I feel him move and breathe in. I move my head so our eyes meet, and he looks so peaceful. We share a moment then he speaks up "Hey, how'd you sleep?" he asks me "I slept wonderfully, how about you?" I asked him "Like a baby" he said and we both giggled. Then I smelled something delicious, it smelt sweet, like pancakes! "You smell that don't you?" Mark asked "Hell yea!" I said "You wanna get up and go get some breakfast?" he asked "I do, but..." I want to say it but I don't want to embarrass myself... "But?" Mark asked, Fuck it! I'm saying it! "But.. I'm perfectly happy here with you" I look him dead in the eyes and he blushes and says "Me too..." he says, then all of a sudden, I feel like I'm bring pulled towards Mark, like I'm no longer in control. Our eyes close and our lips near each other... closer and closer.. then we hear a FUCKING. KNOCK. AT. THE. FUCKING. DOOR!! We quickly turn around to see Ethan, trying not to giggle "I ship it..." he says "Shut up Ethan!" Mark says "Breakfats is ready if you guys want it" says Ethan"..but feel free to finish your little make out session first!" Says Ethan then he runs off, laughing. "I swear I'm going to slap him one day!" I hear Mark say, we meet eyes and we get up, we get dressed and go downstairs to the kitchen, almost everyone is there. They're all eating pancakes and waffles, my mouth begins to water at the sight of them. I walk up to them and Mark says "Take as many as you want!" I'm starved, I take 2 pancakes and a waffle, not wanting to be greedy but trying to satisfy my hunger. I sit down at the table with everyone, Mark at my left and Zoey on my right. I gobble the pancakes down and try the waffle, it's delicious it tastes so good! "It's my mothers recipe, German Waffles... it's a family classic!" Mark says "Well, your family must have some really good chefs!" I say, swallowing the last bit of waffle. Then I hear something at the stairs, I turn to see Chase stomping down the stairs "Why do we have to wake up??" Chase groans "Because life is a big ol bag of dicks.." says Ceil. Chase walks to the kitchen and Ceil says "Wait! I forgot my phone! I'll be right back!" and she raced up the stairs.

Zoe's Pov

Ceil races upstairs and I get an idea! I decide to be kind and make her a plate. I make her a cup of coffee and stack pancakes and waffles onto a plate, then she comes down and I hand her the plate and cup of coffee. "Thanks Zo" she says, I smirk "WHAT CAN I SAY EXCEPT YOUR WELCOME!" I start singing, then Ceil joins in "SEE THE LIGHT THAT SHINES FROM THE SEA? IT CALLS ME!!" Ceil and I start dancing and singing together and very soon, everyone is singing Moana. #sorrynotsorry when we stop, everyone stares at us with a smirk, me and Ceil look at each other and I kiss her on the cheek and we go sit down to eat breakfast.

Jacks Pov

After singing and eating breakfast, we all clean up. Then I walk upstairs to check my phone, I go on Twitter, everyone's tweeting at me, "Where'd you go? Are you okay? More vids plzzzz!" I sigh, I don't know what to tell them, so I won't tell them anything, yet. I shove the phone in my pocket and turn around only to be met with Marks eyes.

Marks Pov

I walk upstairs to our room to see Jack staring at his phone. He sighs, his fans are probably worried about him... I walk forward and he shoves his phone in his pocket and turns to meet me. He jumps a bit "Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare ya" I said "What? You didn't scare me!" Jack said, which was obviously a lie "Come on, we're going on a walk!" I say "Oh, where are we going?" he asks "Its a surprise" I say, I hear him groan, I just giggle and we walk downstairs. We meet up with everyone, then we walk through a hall.

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