Chapter 7

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Jacks Pov

What... The... Fuck... that story confused me so much, it's like I was playing Kingdom Hearts (😏) Mark can't turn back... he has to fight in a war? I can't let him fight, he could be killed! I immediately pull Mark in for a hug and just start whispering sweet things into his chest... "I'm sorry" "I won't leave you" "You mean the world to me" then eventually Mark breaks away from the hug and puts his head in his hands. "I can't let you stay Jack... I can't... it's too dangerous if I don't kill you something else could! I can't let that happen... I... l..l..l" Mark trailed off, probably lost for words.

I'm not leaving, I just found out my crush is in trouble and he needs help, I'm not letting him fight this alone! "Mark, I refuse to leave you like this" "Jack, I don't think you understand. you could.." "I understand that my best friend needs my help and I'm going to help him with or without your permission, because I care about them too much to leave them behind " "Why?! Why are you willing to risk your life to save someone who's not worth it??" "Because I LOVE THEM!"

Then the room was quiet, silence was the only thing to describe the tone the room. I suddenly realised that I had told Mark my biggest secret. I told him I loved him. I was embarrassed and proud, I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to do. Mark lifted his head so his chocolate brown eyes could meet mine. "Wh..what?" he said. "I... I..." I trailed off, my mind gone blank, then Mark leans in closer, and closer until our noses are barely touching, then we hear something behind us.

Marks Pov

Jack loves me. HE. FUCKING. LOVES. ME!!! I raise my head to meet his eyes, "W...what?" I ask him. He keeps mumbling, he's probably embarrassed, but I need to know if he does for sure, I start to lean in closer, just staring at his lips, his small yet yummy looking lips (I'm so sorry) I want to kiss him so bad... then when my lips are just brushing against his, I hear something from behind us, I quickly turn around, it's Dark and Anti, fucking cockblockers. They were both smirking 😏 jerks.

"Aww sorry did we interrupt your little make out session" Anti said with a smirk. "Dark, could you tell your cunt of a boyfriend to stop pissing me off??" I said, with loads of sarcasm. Dark and Anti immediately looked pissed off and I heard laughing from behind them. "Is someone with you?" I ask "Oh yeah, Mark, Jack this is Chase and Zoey" then Dark and Anti split to show two people, one a guy and the other a girl.

The guy has brown hair, brown eyes and white skin, he's very handsome. He's wearing Purple and black flannel with a white shirt underneath and black jeans, very noice fashion choice.

The girl has long black hair tied low with purple bits at the bottom. She has pink wings and ears too. She's wearing a yellow and green striped sweater (like chara and asriel from undertale) and knee length jeans. Her eyes are pink, like cotton candy.

"Hi, my names Chase" the guy said "and I'm Zoey" said the girl.


Jacks Pov

Zoey?? She's back! The girl I met on the plane! I jump up and quickly say "Zoey?" She giggles "Hi Jack! Long time no see!" I quickly run and we quickly hug. She says "I told you we'd meet again soon!" We pull away and I look at her, her outfits completely different, last time I saw her she was just wearing Jeans and a pusheen hoodie, she definitely didn't have wings or ears either, Come to think of it, she just looked.. normal the last time I saw her, just a regular human like me, but her eyes are still the pink ones I remember, so there're not coloured lenses... cool!!! . I ask "Why are you here?" She replies "I'm here to help you guys!" Then I hear Mark get closer "Hi, I'm Mark" he shakes hands with Zoey, I notice a hint of anger on his face and jealousy in his voice.

Then he shakes hands with Chase, I notice Chase has an excited look on his face.

Chases Pov


Zoeys Pov

I can see that Chase is excited, HE LOVES MARK! Not as much as he loves his boyfriend though. I can tell he's fanboying, it's not hard to tell. Then Mark breaks my thoughts "So how can you guys help us? Are you paranormals too?" "Yep! I'm a werewolf!" Chase said "I'm a hybrid, half pony and half shapeshifter!" I said "We're here to help Mark with being a greenie (that means newbie for all those who don't watch or read the Maze runner series) and we're going to win the war and change Mark back to a human!" Chase announced, just then my crystal heart buzzed, meaning someone is calling... its them.

"So guys you ready for an adventure that will shatter reality...?"


What's going to happen? What awaits our lovers? Who is Chase and Zoey? Who's Chases boyfriend? Who are they? More excitement yet to come!

Sorry this chapter is late I've been thinking about how to introduce the new characters but I'm happy with this chapter.

Also if you guys are confused about who's talking, here's a quick key:

Other characters

So there you have it, if you are confused about anything else, leave a comment and I will answer/explain the best I can!

See you in the next chapter!

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