Chapter 3

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Why in the hell is Taylor kissing me?

Half of me wanted to kiss him back, but the other half said no, unfortunately, my will to say no was stronger than the other.

I pulled away and said, "I have to go, just stay away, okay?" I spat out harshly and got up, and walked away.

"Wait! Stay away? Why? Come back Sarah, please!" his voice, it sounded so, desperate. A part of me wanted to go back to him and hug him. But why would I think that? He's mean. Plus, he hates me anyway.

He wasn't following me this time, so I slowed down a little.

When I reached my house I walked up stairs to my room and took a hot shower to take this all in. Why would he kiss me? Did he actually like me? Or was It just a type of 'in the moment' thing?


As we kissed, I felt sparks... I've never really felt like that with any girl I've kissed before.

"I have to go, just stay away okay?" Sarah spat out so harshly. I was just trying to comfort her. But I didn't want her to go. I really didn't.

"Wait! Stay away? Why? Come back Sarah please!"

But why am I caring about a girl who doesn't care about me? She hates me. Any other girl would love to be kissed by me.

I shook off the thoughts of her, and I decided to walk downtown. I walked into Starbucks and decided to order a drink. The cashier was really hot actually. Sweet.

"What would you like?" she asked sweetly.

"Um I guess I'll have a coffee, just a normal one though" I didn't really come to Starbucks that often, so I didn't know what to get.

She laughed a little, "alright, and your name is?"

"Uhh.. It's tayl-"

"I was kidding, I know your name.. I just have to ask you that anyways."

"Haha good," I felt like my old self again and used my Taylor charm.

"Instead of my name you should just write your number on it." I winked at the end.

she laughed, "Alright, Taylor, since we like to make the customers happy."

I smirked and walked over to my drink.

"I'll call you sometime." I winked.

"Okay." She smiled.

Bye, Sarah.


I really can't get Taylor off my mind. I think I may like him, but I don't want to admit it. And I never will. If my friends found out that I liked him, they would tease me all the time and tell him. Then Taylor would for sure make fun of me again. Ugh! stop thinking about taylor!

I decided to look into Princeton more, wow that college is pretty cool. I hope I get into it. What if I dont? well, I will if my grade stay good this year and luckly I'm in the after school honors program. Taylor, why do I even care about you? haha. I don't know.

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