Chapter 19

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PLEASE don't comment anything mean or rude in the comment section, it's not needed & I realize there's a lot of things wrong with the book, but I don't need you to tell me.


"Wait, I thought we were supposed to go to Magcon Miami, not Indiana?" I asked the girls as I read a text from Taylor.

"I don't know, maybe something happened in Miami and they picked Indiana for Magcon." Ana replied.

"Oh okay." I said simply.

They all smiled back and we boarded a plane to INDIANA. I have no idea what happened, but I am a bit home sick. So it wouldn't be so bad.

All of us girls laughed and talked the rest of the plane ride.

When we got off, I saw Taylor, and the rest of the Magcon Family.

I dropped my luggage, and ran to Taylor. Once I reached him, I jumped in the air and hugged him so tight.

"I love you so much" Taylor said.

"I love you too! I missed you so much!" I said.

He then kissed me, and I kissed back. But I pulled away realizing were in an airport.

"Let's go home!" I told him.

I told everyone could sleep in my house, it's so big and my parents aren't home, still. And it's 2 years later, this time they went on a vacation for 2 weeks, and I won't be home then.

The car ride there was filled with conversations and laughing. I had missed everyone so much.

Once we got home I told everyone where there rooms would be. "Hey wanna watch a movie?" I asked Taylor.

"Nahhh, I'm going to go get some groceries from the store" he said back, we had no food in the house.

"Okay! can I come? I asked.

"NoPe!" he said, popping the 'p' and walked out.

"What's up with Taylor?" I asked Melanie.

"I don't know, he seems fine" she said, and walked away.

About an hour later, I got a text from Taylor.

From: Taylor❤️
Hey babygirl, come to the lake!

To: Taylor❤️

I then walked outside, I was fine with what I was wearing. A grey long sleeve shirt and maroon colored shorts.

I walked to the lake, it was a nice day today. My mind pondered, why would we go to the lake? probably for alone time I assumed.

The sun started to set, but it was still hot out.

When I arrived to the lake, I couldn't find Taylor, but I then remembered, the dock.

I walked to the dock, then I saw it.
There he was, Taylor stood at the end of the dock, there were lanterns in the tress and rose pedals on the ground.

As I arrived to Taylor, he got down on one knee.

"Sarah Willis, ever since I first saw you I knew you were the one. I had no idea how express it to you, so I was mean, you really are the one I want to be with, forever. You and I fit perfectly. You are the love of my life," he paused. "Sarah, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" I shouted.

He stood up and I kissed him with passion, he kissed back and it turned into a heated make out session. I pulled away and hugged him again.

Everything felt so perfect.

Sarah Caniff.

I like it.


OGHGGGG THE FEELLLSSS ah I want you Taylor. ❤️



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