Chapter 21

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PLEASE don't comment anything mean or rude in the comment section, it's not needed & I realize there's a lot of things wrong with the book, but I don't need you to tell me.


"Do you want children?" Sarah asked glancing at me.

I thought for a moment before I answered, "of course I do. Do you?"

"I do, I'm just afraid of being pregnant." She told me.

I don't blame her, having a human in your stomach for nine months seems like hell. But it's defiantly worth it in the end.

"Whenever your ready baby, I'm not pressuring you into anything." I said truthfully.

Sarah and I were both virgins. Sarah wanted to wait until marriage, and I agreed.

"Taylor, your the best." She said as she leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"I know babygirl, I know" I smirked.

"Let's go home." She whined.

"We're not even there yet, babe" I answered.

"Can we just go tomorrow?" she asked.

"Sure" I said back as I U-turned the car.

"I love you!" she said laughing.

"I love me too!" I said back, and we both spilled out into an uncontrollable laughter. Her laugh was adorable.

After the laughter died down, it became a comfortable silence, which lead me to thinking about my life.

I had fallen in love with Sarah. Not just by her looks, but by her personality, her inside. Nothing could honestly tear us apart. Two years ago, I didn't care what personality girls had, I only dated girls for their looks. But there was always something that Sarah had that no one else did. She was so kind, soft, beautiful, and so fragile. She and I were just meant to be.

"You have no idea how much I love you Sarah." I said keeping my eyes on the road so we wouldn't crash.

"Taylor, you are my everything." She said looking at me, as we arrived home.

I smirked and got out of the car I went to open the car door for her, but she beat me to it.

"You're my everything too" I whispered to her as I pulled her close.

I could feel goose bumps on my skin. I then grabbed her waist and held her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist held on to the back of my neck, I kissed her passionately, and pushed her against the car lightly. She gladly kissed back with the same fire I did.

I ran my tongue against her lips asking for permission. She granted it quickly, we both fought for dominance, I won of course.

I soon pulled back, and we were both breathing heavily.

"I love you so much Sarah." I breathed.

"Ditto. " She smiled

Her smile killed me.

"Forever and always?" she asked me.

"Forever and always." I confirmed.

I took her hand and we walked in her house.

Sorry if it's boring lololol im SUUPPERRR excited for my new book:))) ITS ANOTHER TAYLOR CANIFF FAN FIC WOOOOOAAHH.




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