chapter 8

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•[[[ SARAHS POV]]]•

"you-you know nothing a-about me" I barely managed to say before tears started to escape my eyes. I haven't cut in a while, I used to when I thought no one would ever love me. my parents are never home, and I didn't have many friends. although, I do have jack. but I haven't been talking to him lately.

I was running back to my house while I could hear Taylor chasing after me.

why would Taylor run after me? I don't get why he cares... I mean,. I know he just said he loved me and all. but we're 18 year old kids. love isn't exactly... we'll, married love. it's more of a summer love type of thing. but even that isn't very strong, and Taylor's love for me seems a lot stronger. but who knows, he's always been mean to me.

"Sarah!!" Taylor yelled, "come back, I want to help you!"

I turned my head around, but I still continued to run on the gray side walk.

lets just say, not such a good idea. I'm supposed to go to Princeton and I can't even run without tripping. I'm so not getting into that college.

I tripped over a crack in the cement sidewalk and I landed on my face. I will admit, it did hurt. but not enough to make me cry. i laid down on the ground just to catch my breath. when I voice brought me to reality.

"sarah! are you okay?!" Taylor asked as he sat down beside me.

"uh yeah, now I have to go now..." I said quietly as I tried to get up. but he grabbed my hand and wouldn't let me get up. "what do you want now?" I asked annoyed.

"to get to know you." he said looking down at my wrists.

"what do you want to know?"

"your wrists."

I laughed, "no, that's more personal, caniff. let's stay more general, okay?"

"alright, Willis." he winked at me, I couldn't help but laugh. " what's your favorite color?"

"hmmm... green. you?"

"red." (idk if that's actually taylors fav color)

"ew, anyways. I'll ask a question." I looked at him.


"when did you start to love me?" I asked. I really wanted to know.

"what happened to personal things?" Taylor laughed, "nah, I'm kidding... let's see.. we'll when I first say you I thought you were absolutely gorgeous and I had never really felt that way before with any girl. so I thought that only way to change that was to be an asshole to you. but that's not right. so I realized if I wanted you to love me back, I'd change. and I'm really trying. sometimes I feel like you love me but the next minute were back to square 1 and you hate me again... you know?"

"yeah" I nodded, I had no idea what to say.. "so if you love someone you get butterflies in your stomach?"

"yeah, why?" he asked still looking at the ground.

"because I get those when I'm around you..." I said. I guess maybe I loved Taylor, it's just I didn't realize that. love is weird, really.

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iknow my chapters are super short, but I don't want like everything to happen like in one chapter lol I like to keep you guys wanting more lolz ok :) but new chapter may come later today...? I'm doing nothing.


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