Chapter 7

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I opened the door.. As there stood Ashley?

"uh... hi?" I said more like a question.

"hey," Ashley looked me in the eye, "you fucking ditched me?!?!"

"you had no problem moving on with other guys!" I yelled, it was true though. at the party she made out with plenty of other guys and dances with a lot of them.

"at least I don't go back to back with two different girls! huh?" she yelled with years coming down her face.

it was a bit true, I went back and forth with Sarah and Ashley.

"uh, I-i- uh-" she interrupted me before I could even finish.

"save it, bye Taylor " she said as she turned around wiping her tears from her face.

i stood there for awhile and I really hated myself for that.

•[[[[SARAHS POV]]]]•

after I took my shower, I got my homework done. even though it was 1 in the morning, I felt like I forgot about school. which isn't like me. especially when I'm supposed to go to a nice college. if I get in of course.


I walked to first period, dreading to see Taylor. Every single day that boy becomes more famous, and it bugs me a lot. Taylor doesn't know a thing a bout me to be honest. what boy thinks he can play me like a doll and not know a thing about me? oh yeah, Taylor Caniff.


I walked into first period and saw sarah sitting there, she looked at me, quickly she looked away. I wish I could just talk to her really.


•[[[[SARAHS POV]]]]•

shit, I missed the bus. now I get to walk home. what a fabulous day I'm having huh? I was walking on the sidewalk, when I heard footsteps running. from a distance though, so I ignored it. as it got closer I decided to look behind me to see who it was.




can that boy leave me alone for once?

"Sarah!! can we talk! I followed you here!" he shouted, panting.

"no, just leave me alone" I said and I turned around to walk. but, strong warm arms wrapped around my waist. I loved when people hugged me from behind, but wait it's Taylor..

"just let me talk to you babe." Taylor whispered in my ear. it sent shivers through my body, I has goosebumps on my skin.

"what is it?" I said, pulling his arms off me.

•[[[[TAYLORS POV]]]•

"Look Sarah, I love you. okay? I know it's a strong word but I can't get my mind off of you..." I spoke softly as I cupped her face and crashed my lips into hers, I had missed her lips. sparkles went through my body, this was the girl. the one.

at first she didn't kiss back, but she did soon. I assumed that was something good right? we'll I can only hope. I used to be mean to her. but hopefully,she sees me for who I am.

she pulled away from the kiss. but she didn't say anything, damn. she's hard to get. I looked down on the ground, slightly embarrassed. when I looked down, something caught my eye. her wrists. there were scars, they weren't recent. but, she's harmed herself. and she can't, she's too beautiful. every girl is. but they all don't see that, and it kills me.

"sarah your wrists... I want you to be okay..." I choked. "why- i mean are you okay? do you need help?! sarah, speak to me!"

"you- you know nothing a-about me..." she stuttered out, tears streamed down her soft skin. then, she ran. away, back home. did I do something wrong? I was just trying to help oh no. I always some how fuck everything up. everything.

"sarah!" I called, "Come back!" I chased after her.


okay there's a chapter!! thanks for almost 1000 reads!!!!





next chapter soon!

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