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•sarahs pov obvii•

"Hey mom! Come look at this!" My son, Sebastian shouted at me.

I got up carefully from my seat in the family room, where Taylor & I once sat together holding Sebastian.

I walked into the kitchen, where Sebastian was with his two daughters, and wife.

I smiled weakly and continued forward to see what they were looking at, it was a photo album. It was the photo album that Taylor and I made, pictures of him and I on every page.

I looked at his young face, and mine too. The memories flood back to me, I was in a world by myself.

I looked at the picture where Taylor and I went to the beach together, and stayed until sunset. Or the time when Taylor found me in my worst state. My eyes teared up, and a few tears fell. I excused myself from the room politely.

I then made my way back into my bedroom, where I sleep alone now. I couldn't get Taylor off my mind, he was everywhere and that's when I saw him, standing at the end of the bed, he was young.

"Taylor?" I spoke softly.

"It's me babygirl." He said confidently.

"How? you left me." I cried

"Not anymore, come here and take my hand. We will be forever young." His words soothed me.

I nodded and made me way over to Taylor. He took my hand, and pulled me to him.

I looked down at myself, I was young again.

"Come on." Taylor told me.

We ran through a park with kids playing, everything was so happy.

My parents were there, Taylors were there too.

I had Taylor back it was so perfect.

We kissed again, something I have been longing for. I felt sparks again, just like the first time we kissed.

"I love you babygirl" he said.

"I love you too, Tay" I told him, holding him close.

Taylor has taken me to heaven. Taylor and I were forever young, forever.


Official ending, so sorry if you didn't want it to end. I didn't know how much i could keep writing.

I really hoped you liked my story, everything has a perfect ending, if it's not, it's not the end. :))





If you likes my book, it really means a lot.

I'll update my book one more time to let you know when my new FanFiction is out, Malibu.

I really encourage you to read it, you'll love it I promise.

Again, thank you so much for the reads, votes, and comments. I loved them so much. Thank for YOUR support!


All rights reserved©®HollyCaniff™


(This book is copyrighted so don't try to copy my storyline you will get in trouble with the police)

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