chapter 10

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•[[[[SARAHS POV]]]]•

beep beep. my alarm went off... what time is it? I looked at the clock, 7:00 AM. whoa. I slept a lot. as I got out of bed, everything came back to me. I smiled at the thought of last night and a got ready for school. it's only Tuesday, I groaned thinking about it.

for my outfit I put on, Light wash short shorts, a navy blue v neck and white high top converse. I left my hair down naturally and I applied my usual make up. Mascara, foundation, and a lip balm. even though that's not make up but what ever.

I walked downstairs and grabbed my Jansport backpack. I took an apple from the fruit basket as I waited by the door for the bus. let's pray Taylor doesn't start being an asshole again, I just basically told him my biggest secret.

I saw the big yellow bus pull up, I through away what was left of the apple and walked out the door, I locked the door quickly then headed to the bus.

I stepped on the bus, to see Taylor saved a seat for me. "hey!" I exclaimed as I sat next to him.

"hey babe." he responded and kissed my cheek.

I blushed and looked down. i felt like it was getting awkward so I needed to say something. "so what time did you leave yesterday?"

"after you fell asleep... I hope you didn't mind."

"no not at all, but you can stay next time too" I laughed.

"good, because I will. walking home at night is scary!" he laughed, and I joined in as well.

"alright were here now get off my bus!" out bus driver yelled. he hated everyone.

"let's go baby!" Taylor said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the bus. we were walking hand to hand to class, I was given looks from girls who had always wanted Taylor... but honestly every girl would have to admit that at one point, they liked Taylor. and I guess when you like Taylor, you fall hard.

we arrived at our first period class, English. I have every class with Taylor. fun? even though I do like him, I will admit. he's an idiot. really. I should tutor him soon.

"Taylor Caniff? Your not late? wow. " Our English teacher said.

"yeah, let's all have party! Whoa everyone!!! taylor got to class a whole minute earlier! Can you believe it??!" Taylor said sarcastically, I couldn't help but laugh.

"sit down, Mr. Caniff" our teacher said sternly.

"What happened to your party mode?" Taylor laughed, and so did the rest of the class.

"Want a detention?"

knowing Taylor, he would take it. I hoped he wouldn't say anything bad.

Taylor glanced over at me before he answered, almost asking for permission to earn a detention. why? I don't know. I glared him at him as my response. hopefully he would take it as, stop.

"nahhh, I think I'm gonna pass that up. maybe tomorrow though? we will find out huh?" Taylor smirked, I guess that was as close as Taylor would get to a no.

"Alright, Taylor and there is no 'gonna' in English."

ohmygod Taylor.

---- skipping to like them leaving school because nobody wants to year about a boring day in school for them. but if you do tell me ok I'll put it in next time-----

Taylor and I walked out of 7th period together. "let's go we're going to miss the bus!!!" I yelled

Taylor laughed, "let's walk, it's better any way. "

"finee... but only because i-i lo-like you." I struggled to say 'love' was i even ready for that, i honestly have no idea what Taylor and I are.

"i hate school." Taylor said as he looked straight ahead.

"so do I" I lied, I had always liked the learning part of school... just not the people.

"You're smart... do you see me? I'm nothing."

"that's not true Taylor! You have vine and youtube! I mean, does that get you anywhere?" I asked.


"that's not true Taylor! You have vine and youtube! I mean, does that get you anywhere?" she asked, but more of a joke.

then it hit me, I forgot to tell her. it is getting me somewhere. Two days ago, a guy names Bart called me and invited me to be apart of Magcon. I didn't want to tell Sarah because we have just started being 'together' we'll we weren't official. but we were practically BoyFriend and GirlFriend...

"yes" I sighed.

"really??" she asked, "how?"

"Promise you won't hate me?" I asked.

"promise?" she said more as a question, she was obviously confused.

"Okay, well. a couple days ago I got a call from this guy names Bart, and he invited me to go on this tour called Magcon, it's for famous youtubers and viners to go meet fans and your across the world..."

"oh, well that's great to hear taylor!" she seemed sad, "when do you leave?" she seemed like she would cry any second.

I engulfed her into a hug. "two days."

she then started crying, I didn't know what to say.

"I-I'm s-s-so proud of y-ou" she stuttered, "I'm go-ing t-to miss you."

"I'll miss you too, but I can always fly you out and come home whenever you like..."

then, she said the words I will never forget, and I can't believe she said that.



sorry it took so long to update!!! I haven't been on my phone and I've been so busyyyyy!!

next chapter coming... soon.




it really helps me❤️❤️


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