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Everyone was shocked by Malfoy's reaction to his realization. "Is there something you want to explain to us?" Luna asked, gesturing wildly to the sobbing couple. Even she was shocked out of her usually soft spoken state by the sight of the boys together. Hermione looked to Harry and Draco with a question in her eyes. Is it okay if I tell them? She seemed to be asking. Draco glanced at Harry who nodded once. That was all the motivation she needed. "Draco and Harry are dating." she announced, "They have been for about six months now." Everyone's jaws dropped. Ginny glanced at her youngest brother, who was only nodding his head. "You knew about this!?" she practically yelled. She was in shock. It's a good thing I don't fancy him anymore! She thought. I probably would have been crushed. Now, though, I should be happy! I don't have to worry about whether Luna fancies him anymore! She glanced at the blonde girl, but, when she noticed that the blonde was looking back at her, she quickly looked away. Her attention was brought back to the problem at hand when there was a loud bang.

"He's here!" Lilly gasped. "Take Harry! I'll hold him off!" James said quickly before sprinting to the front of the house. The DA members watched in horror as Voldemort himself busted down the door. "You'll never touch him!" James yelled. Voldemort only laughed and raised his wand. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" Harry screamed as his father fell to the ground, lifeless. The group sprinted in the direction in which Lilly had gone. They found her placing Harry in a crib. "Mama loves you Harry. Never forget that." she whispered to her son. Then, the door flew off it's hinges. The Dark Lord walked slowly into Harry's nursery with a grin on his snakelike face. "You are a fool Lilly Potter! Hand the child over to me, or die!" "Please!?" she begged. "Not Harry! Please! Kill me instead!" Voldemort chuckled. "As you wish... AVADA KEDAVRA!" Lilly collapsed. "NO!" Harry screamed. Draco hugged him as tight as he could. Harry tucked his head into his boyfriend's shoulder as he sobbed. Then, Voldemort stalked towards baby Harry. "They think you are the chosen one." He laughed. "You will never beat me!" The dark wizard raised his wand and pointed it at the baby's head. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" he yelled one last time. Then, in a flash of green light, the spell rebounded and hit him square in the chest. He screamed an awful scream and then vanished into thin air. All that was left was a group of shocked teenagers, two dead bodies, and a crying baby with a fresh lightning shaped scar.

"I think I'm going to be sick!" Cedric said as he fell to his knees. Everyone looked to Harry, who was trying to wipe away the tears while still clinging to his boyfriend. "Harry. I'm so sorry you had to see that again." Hermione whispered as she made her way over to him. Soon he was engulfed in a hug from his bushy haired friend. Cho and Neville walked toward the crying baby. Cho reached her arm out to wipe away the tears, but they didn't go away. They just kept falling as if her hand wasn't even there. Hermione noticed her efforts and sighed. "We're in Harry's memories Cho. We can't change anything. They won't even know we're watching." Cho nodded and stepped away. Suddenly, Draco's head snapped up. "I hear something!" "Snape." Harry realized. Draco looked confused. "What? What do you mean Sna-" He was interrupted by Snape storming into the room with a look of pure horror on his face. He instantly fell to Lilly's side, sobbing. Everyone but Harry was shocked. "He was in love with my mother." Harry explained. Draco gasped. No one had time to say anything, however, because they were suddenly transported to a dark street. The twins looked around in shock. "Where are we?" Fred asked. "Privet Drive" George replied reading the street sign. Harry gasped, realizing what his friends were about to not only find out, but witness. "Oh god." he exclaimed. This was going to be interesting.

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