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GUESS WHO'S BACK!?!?!? I'm soooooooooooooooooooo sorry for taking so long to update, but I forgot how difficult it was to deal with school and homework and still try to maintain that tiny bit of social life that I still have all at once. I've been super stressed lately, but now I'm here, I'm queer, and I'm ready to start a new chapter! Now I'm going to apologize in advance because I know that this isn't going to be the chapter you guys were expecting, because I'm writing this at school and I don't have any way to make sure that what I was planning to write before was accurate. This chapter probably isnt as happy as it should be after ive left you guys waiting for so long, I just think that it's sort of necessary. Anyways, ENJOY!!!!

     Harry was screwed. At least, the younger version of him was. They could all tell as they watched Vernon shove him into the house. The man's face was purple with rage and he was squeezing the boy's arm so tightly that the group feared it would snap. The older boy was looking at the memory of himself with such fear and concern that they were sure something horrible was about to happen.
     "Harry, love, it's going to be okay." Draco said softly when he saw his boyfriend's face. "You're almost eleven in this memory, which means that soon you'll be getting your Hogwarts letter and we can get away from them for a while."
      Harry smiled gently at the blonde, grateful for the support and placed a tender kiss on his lips. They both smiled again before turning back to the scene in front of them.
      The little bit of happiness that the kiss had given them was gone almost immediately, however, as they listened to what Vernon was saying to the younger boy.
     "What the hell was that!?" The man screamed in the trembling boy's face.
      "I-I don't know..." the stuttering boy was cut off by his furious uncle.
      "Of course you do! Now I won't ask you again!" He dragged the sobbing boy closer to him, until his face was inches from the boy's and whispered in a voice that sent a shock of fear through the group of witches and wizards that were watching. "What was that?"
     The little boy didn't answer, and Vernon seemed too get even angrier. He delivered a swift slap to the boy's face and shouted again.
      "Answer me!" He yelled. The boy was sobbing now and couldn't even get a word out. Finally Vernon had had enough.
     "That's it you freak! I gave you a chance and you didn't take it." At that Vernon slammed the boy's head into the wall and then pushed him to the floor.
      The group of onlookers had long learned that they couldn't do anything about what Vernon was doing to the boy, but they could offer Harry as much comfort as possible.
      "Don't worry mate, it's almost time for his-uh-your Hogwarts letter. We'll be out of here soon enough." Ron said, rubbing Harry's back protectively. The others whispered similar reasurrances as the beating slowed and eventually stopped.
      They watched as Vernon dragged the little boy back into the cupboard under the stairs. The group looked at each other sadly. They didn't know if they could handle this for much longer.

Wow that was kind of short. Oh well, feel free to leave kudos or comments if you're enjoying this story so far! They help so much!!!

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