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WOW it's been a really long time since I've updated. I'm SO sorry!!! I had some family issues and stuff and I've been cramming for midterms next week, so I've been really stressed out.
    In other news, I think that this story might be coming to an end. Although I still love Harry Potter to death, I've been developing some new interests lately and can never really find the motivation to update.
   So, I've decided that this is going to be the last chapter! I might post an epilogue, but only if you guys want me to, so please let me know! Anyways, ENJOY!

   The memories after that were like a breath of fresh air. Sure, some were more difficult to watch than others. Harry's meeting with Voldemort in first year left the group shaking in a strange combination of fury and fear, and the summers at the Dursley's were still horrible to watch, but the good definitely outweighed the bad.

   Watching Harry's first trip to Diagon Alley and seeing him get sorted into Gryffindoor was extremely fun to watch for Sirius in particular, who still wished that he had been around when these things happened. Rewatchng the meeting between Draco and Harry in the robe shop all those years ago was amusing for everyone, (except for Draco of course, who was more emmbarrased of his behavior than anything) and watching their first kiss was just plain awkward. It didn't help that Sirius was burning holes in Draci's head with his glare. And the Golden Trio couldn't help but grin when watching all of the crazy things they got up to over the years.
   Then one day, an especially familiar scene formed around them.
   "Slow down!" Hermione was yelling as she chased the boys down the halls towards the Room of Requirement.
   "This is it!" Harry shouted as they watched the group run. "This is the day Ron cast the spell!" It was as if all the life flowed back into the group at once as they heard the news. Excited chatter filled the room as they watched themselves begin to duel.
   "Flipendo!"  Harry shouted. Ron quickly dodged and aimed his wand at Harry.

    The witches and wizards were practically vibrating with excitement and suspense.

    "Levicorpus!" he exclaimed. Harry tried to dodge, but stumbled.

   Almost there...

   The spell barely missed him as he tried to catch his balance. Ron took this as his opportunity to go for the win. Ron quickly thought of a spell he had seen written in one of Hermione's notebooks.

   This is it...

    "Memoria!"  he shouted. The spell hit Harry in the chest and there was a loud crack...

   And then the room filled with light. The witches and wizards crumpled to the ground, eyes squeezed shut and hands holding their heads tightly as a loud ringing filled their ears. And then as suddenly as it started, it stopped. Opening their eyes slowly, they realized that they were no longer on the floor in the Room of Requirement, but in seperate beds in the infirmary. Harry shot up, grinning, and looked around at his friends, who were all doing tge same thing...

It was finally over.

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