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I know that I've said this already, but I just wanted to let you all know how happy I am that you're all reading and enjoying this story!

The group of teens sat in the floor of the cupboard, huddled together and crying. None of them noticed the disgruntled looking fugitive appear behind them. That is... until Cho looked up, and let out a bloodcurdling shriek. Everyone's heads snapped up. Everyone but Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Draco gasped and froze.
"Why am I in a cupboard?" Sirius said, almost to himself. This snapped Harry out of his reverie and he jumped up as fast as he could and ran into his godfather's arms.
"Sirius! What are you doing here!?"
By this time Hermione and Ron had run over to hug him as well. Draco held back, as he and the older man still didn't quite get along. Sirius stuttered slightly trying to figure out a good answer to Harry's question.
"Umm... I actually have no idea. One second I was in the infirmary at Hogwarts, and the next I was here."
"Did you touch him?" Hermione asked.
"Yes actually." He replied, confused.
"Memoria charm." The witch stated simply. A look of realization passed over the man's face.
"Why does Harry remember being in a cupboard?" Sirius asked no one in particular. It was then that the small group realized that their friends were still on the ground, looking absolutely terrified.
"Guys, it's okay. Sirius isn't who you think he is." Harry said sadly.
"Are you sure mate, because I think that he is Sirius Black. The mass murderer who is after you!" Cedrick practically shouted.
"He didn't do it!" Draco yelled. Cedrick glared at the blonde.
"You really think I would believe you!? You're a Malfoy!" Draco flinched. Everyone who knew the boy knew that he was nothing like his father.
"Cedrick... he's telling the truth. Sirius is my godfather. He never killed anyone!" Harry said sternly. Cedrick may be older than him, but no one was going to talk to Sirius like that if Harry could help it.
   Cedrick looked as if he was going to say something else, but he obviously changed his mind. The yelling match seemed to have snapped the others out of their shocked state, as they one by one got up to shake Sirius's hand. The twins went last, and Harry decided he was going to let them in on a little secret. He turned to Sirius with a little smile.
"You'll like each other I think," he said slyly, "they're quite the pranksters, Padfoot." You could almost hear the twins' jaws hit the floor. Hermione, Ron, and Draco burst out laughing. Fred and George just stood stuttering.
"P-Padfoot as in the Padfoot!?" George shouted. Sirius bowed jokingly.
"The one and only!" He laughed. "I'm curious though... How do you know who I am?"
Fred quickly reached into his robes and pulled out the map. Sirius's eyes lit up at this. He looked to Harry as he remembered something.
"Do they know who Moony is? Prongs? Wormtail?" Harry shook his head. Sirius laughed.
"Well, Moony just so happens to be my best friend... and your defense teacher." The twins looked like their heads were about to explode.
"And Prongs was a great man..." Sirius's grin faltered at that.
"Was?" George asked. Sirius just nodded.
"Prongs was a great man. Killed by Voldemort. Betrayed by Wormtail, also known as Peter Pettigrew, one of his best friends... Prong's real name was James Potter. He was Harry's father." The twins both looked to the floor. It was even worse since they had seen Harry's parents murdered only an hour before. George went to say something, but was interrupted by the sound of the cupboard door being swung open. Harry froze. This wasn't good, especially now that Sirius was here.

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