Car Crash

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Hey guys!!! I'm glad your not bored of me yet... lol. Anyways, this chapter was a little bit more difficult for me to write. I wasn't exactly sure how to go about the whole physical abuse thing, especially with all those people watching. I tried my best though... Enjoy!
Between Sirius's arrival and their own despair over what they had seen of Harry's life so far, none of the teens had noticed that they had moved on to Harry's next memory. It became obvious, however, when the cupboard door flew open to reveal a rather large boy that they had never seen before. Harry, however, knew his face immediately.
"Dudley." He gasped under his breath, involuntarily stepping back.
The group looked around and noticed that the cupboard had transformed. There were drawings all over the walls and a six year old Harry was curled up on a tiny cot. He was extremely skinny and was wearing a massive shirt that obviously used to be Dudley's.
"Wake up Harry! I'm hungry!" the boy yelled as he ran over to shake the boy awake. In the process he ran straight through Luna, who gasped softly. The little boy groaned quietly as his eyes opened.
"I'm coming Dudley." He said softly. Harry rolled off of his cot and into the floor. Dudley just rolled his eyes and ran back into the dining room.
Now that the cupboard door was open, the invisible spectators could get up and walk into the rest of the house. They stretched their legs, grateful to finally be out of that tiny space. The house hadn't changed much since they had been in the cupboard. It was still unusually tidy, but there were now tons of action figures and broken toy planes scattered around the living room and kitchen.
The group watched as young Harry walked into the kitchen, where he proceeded to start breakfast.
"Why are you the one making breakfast Harry?" Sirius asked dangerously. The group looked to the older Harry, who seemed to have zoned out.
"I remember this day..." he started. He had gotten very pale.
"What's-" Draco began, but was cut off by a loud clang and a yelp from the little boy at the stove. He had dropped the frying pan, and bacon was scattered all over the floor. The scalding grease was burning his hand, but he was rushing to pick up the bacon anyway. Thundering footsteps could be heard coming from the living room as the boy tried his best to hide the evidence.
"Boy! What was that!?" Vernon yelled as he stomped into the kitchen. Seeing the mess, his face turned an unnatural shade of purple that had the group of teens frozen in fear. The young Harry was stammering out every apology he could, but it was no use. The giant man grabbed the boy's arm and dragged him to his feet. Then he did something unspeakable. He drew his hand back and delivered a slap to the little boy's face that sent him flying.
Sirius growled and tried to lunge at Vernon, but Harry grabbed his arm, shaking his head. Harry couldn't, however, grab everyone. Every single witch and wizard watching ran at the muggle. It didn't do much good, but the fact that they couldn't touch him had slipped their minds in their fury. Even Luna, who was normally sweet and gentle, was trying her best to punch or kick the man. Their fists and feet, however, passed right through the man as he delivered blow after blow to the whimpering child who was now curled up on the floor. Once he got tired, he delivered one final kick before turning to leave. He stopped, however when the little boy choked out,
"Mommy? Daddy?" He was sobbing and calling out for his parents and his Uncles Sirius and Remus, as blood poured out of his nose and busted lip. Vernon just scoffed before growling,
"Your parents are dead! They died in a car crash years ago! You're 'uncles' don't care about you! You're pathetic!" He then dragged the little boy back to the cupboard and slammed the door shut.
Older Harry collapsed onto the floor of the cupboard, sobbing now too. They were all crying. The boy that they considered their savior had been sent home to this house at the end of every year, and none of them had ever known.
Draco and Sirius were the first to drop to the floor with Harry, hugging him as tightly as they could. They were followed almost immediately by Hermione and the Weasleys, and eventually Neville, Luna, Cho and Cedrick. At that moment, none of the tension amongst them mattered. They didn't care about who hated who or whether or not they were particularly close, their friend needed them.
They sat there for a long time, sobbing and holding each other, but eventually, one by one, they moved away from Harry and sat on the ground, waiting for the next memory to appear, worried about what that memory might be. Eventually it was just Harry and Draco sitting together, their tears dried up, clutching each other like they were about to collapse.
It was deathly silent, until they heard a small, shaking voice coming from the cot in the corner. Younger Harry was singing softly. The tune was unrecognizable at first through the boy's tears, but eventually it became clearer.
"Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me..." A tear slipped down Draco's cheek as he leaned in toward his boyfriend. He placed a gentle kiss on Harry's lips, so soft that Harry could have imagined it completely.
"I am so, so sorry." The blonde whispered. Then, the next memory appeared.

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