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WOW... sorry it took me so long to update this!!! I've been a mess lately and just got myself back together enough to write this. Anyways, thank you so much if you've put up with me for this long. Love y'all!

   Harry's life had been hell. He knew that most people didn't have to put up with the beatings and pure hate that he did, but Harry never complained. Never told anyone. He was just happy that he had his friends, his boyfriend, and his family. His real family. Sirius, Remus, and the Weasleys, not those abusive gits that called themselves his family.
   But now, everything that he had been through was out in the open for the most important people in his life to see. Harry could have relived these memories on his own and been okay. (It wasn't like he didn't already see them every night in his nightmares.)  But to have everyone else see it, to have them know, was almost more than he could bear.
   They traveled through memory after memory of yelling matches, blood, and the cold and hungry nights spent in the cupboard under the stairs. It felt like forever since any of them had smiled. Even the twins were quiet. And everyone had a constant flow of tears running down their faces.
   None of them, however, took it worse than Draco and Sirius. They had long forgotten the walls that used to separate them. All they cared about was making Harry look happy again.
   Harry... he was doing the worst out of everyone. Every time they entered a new memory, he would bury his head in Sirius's shoulder or clutch Draco's hand as hard as he could. He flinched or hid every time Vernon got angry, and shook whenever Petunia said harsh words about his parents.
   But the thing that hurt Harry the most wasn't the words in his memories, it was seeing how it all affected his friends. When they cried, Harry looked as if he wanted to kill himself. He blamed all of their pain on himself. It was breaking him.
   So no one was quite as happy as Harry when they finally reached a happy memory. The second the memory began, Harry practically jumped into the air. Finally, his friends wouldn't be in pain...

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