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   Things got better for Harry after the whole Memoria curse fiasco. Though he had tried his best to stop them, the Weasley kids were adament on telling their parents about Harry's "home" life. Mrs. Weasley had immediately taken Harry in, and he never had to go back. Once Sirius was cleared with the ministry, Harry moved into Grimmuald Place with him.

   Harry killed Voldemort at the end of his 7th year. It was almost unsatisfying how it happened really. They had discovered all of the horcruxes rather quickly, and Hermione had even discovered a spell that destroyed the one inside of Harry without harming him. So when Harry was snatched by some death eaters and taken to the big man himself, all it took was a wand hidden in his clothes and a well aimed curse and it was over. He was glad it happened that way though. Who knows what could have happened if it had happened differently...
   Harry and Draco got married six years later, and they adopted two sons, Scorpius and Albus. Those two were troublemakers for sure. The happy couple raised the boys alongside Ron and Hermione's children. Occasionally Fred and George would bring their wives and kids around and Ginny would bring her wife Pansy (Yeah, Ron almost had a heart attack when that one happened) and their young daughter, and they would have one big reunion.

   Luna and Blaise got together not long after they were released from the curse, and Blaise is working up the courage to propose as we speak.

   Cedric and Cho broke up a few years after they graduated and Cedric became the seeker for the Chudley Cannons while Cho became an editor for the Daily Prophet.

   Neville became a Herbology professor, and, when school was out, traveled the world looking for new plants to use in potions and medicines. On one trip to the Amazon, he met Hannah Abbot, who had changed quite a bit since he had last seen her. The two quickly fell in love and have been married for two years.

   Sure, sometimes they still think about the things that happened when Harry was hit with that curse, but they're happy now...

And that's all that matters.

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