Good Report

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Enjoy the chapter!!! (I'm going to go ahead and apologize for the feelz in advance! I'm so sorry!!!)

     It had been a long time since anything bad had happened at the Dursleys' house. Memory Harry was enjoying school very much, and Vernon had been hitting him less often. (Wouldn't want anyone at the school catching on...) The boy had even made a few friends. The group of witches and wizards watching were all extremely happy that they didn't have to watch any more heavy beatings.
Blaise had been brought up to date, but no one had the heart to tell him how horrible the boy's "punishments" could get. He was already furious at Vernon for what he had witnessed, but he hadn't seen anything yet.
When the group was transferred to the memory of report card day, they immediately noticed the change in Harry's mood. He seemed afraid, really afraid. No one understood why, as the little boy's report had been very good. In fact, compared to Dudley's, it had been absolutely amazing.
         Their questions were answered, however, when the little boy handed Petunia his report card. She stared at the card for a moment before glancing over to Dudley's. She stood like that, looking back and forth between the two cards, for what felt like forever. Finally, she lowered the pieces of paper and calmly asked Dudley to leave the room, then she called Vernon into the room.
         The large man stamped into the room, and Petunia (still deathly calm) handed him the boys' cards. The man looked over the two papers for just as long as his wife had before throwing the cards on the table. His face then turned such a dark shade of purple that the wizards were sure he was about to explode.
          "What the hell is this???" He hissed. "What are you playing at!?"
           The boy was trembling and backing away slowly, his eyes watering. "N-nothing Uncle V-Vernon."
           "Nothing!? Are you trying to embarrass us!? You are making a fool out of my son, and I won't stand for it!" Vernon then delivered a punch to the boy's face that knocked him to the ground. He hit and kicked every inch of Harry that he could reach.
         The people watching could do nothing but sit back and let it happen. Harry was crying silently as Draco and Sirius each gripped one of his hands. Blaise was frozen in shock, as he hadn't seen anything like this yet. The others couldn't even watch.
        Vernon beat the little boy for what seemed like hours. He then leaned down to whisper menacingly in his ear...
         "Never do this again! Do you understand!?" The little boy nodded slightly, which obviously caused him even more pain. Vernon grabbed him by the arm and dragged him back into the cupboard. The little boy screamed in agony, but Vernon just slammed the door shut. Then the group was transported back into the room in between memories.
             The wizards were as horrified as ever by how the seemingly happy and energetic Boy Who Lived was treated by his aunt and uncle. Blaise was still frozen in fear and shock. Luna hesitantly put her hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of it. He turned his head and gave her a tiny smile, which she returned.
             She slipped her hand into his and led him to a couple of chairs sitting against the wall. She sat next to him and gave him a massive hug. He smiled graciously and hugged her back, thankful for the comforting touch.
             The same thing was happening all over the room. It seemed to be a little bit of a tradition now. Anytime the group had to watch a beating they would comfort each other right after. Sirius and Draco were squeezing Harry tightly, Ginny gave Neville a quick squeeze before she was pulled into a crushing embrace by the twins, and Cedrick and Cho were sitting against one wall, leaning on each other heavily.                                          They weren't going to get used to the abuse, but at least they had each other to keep themselves sane. 

None of them could wait until this nightmare was over.

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