Letters and Giants

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So, I know that I do this a lot... probably way too much tbh, but my best friend just posted her first story!!! Her account is called atms14 and the story is called The Santana. She means SO much to me, and she's super excited to have finally posted a story, so I would REALLY appreciate it if you all checked it out!!! Anyways, here's the next chapter!

     The next memory started off the same as any other. The bruises from the particularly brutal beating given after the zoo incident were almost gone, so little Harry was expected to do all if the chores. He had already cooked breakfast, cleaned the house, and watered the garden. Expecting a break, the little boy sat down at the kitchen to eat the Dursleys' leftovers when Petunia marched into the room.
     "What are you doing boy? Go fetch the post!" She scolded, her shrill voice causing Neville, Hermione, and Cho to flinch. Harry (the older one of course) suddenly grinned. Draco  noticed this and nudged Sirius, who looked like he was ready to strangle the unpleasant woman in front of him. The two stared at the boy for a moment, and everyone else soon noticed his happy state as well. Harry caught them staring and just smiled bigger.
     "This is a memory of my eleventh birthday." He said happily. The group was silent for a moment before Sirius shouted...
     "It's aout damn time!" And suddenly the group was cheering loudly. They watched as the memry of Harry walked to the front door, where several letters had collected on the floor. They watched in glee as the boy looked through the letters and Hermione, Luna, and Fred (though he'd always insist that it was George) actually squealed when he reached a particular envelope. He walked onto the kitchen, still staring at the envelope, and placed the others on the table in front of Vernon. He then sat and began to open it. Seeing this, Dudley's eyes widened and he stood and snatched the paper from the smaller boy.
     "Dad look Harry's got a letter!" Dudley shluted as he handed it to Vernon. Harry stood and ran after him.
     "Give it back! Its mine!" He yelled. The Dursleys crowded around the letter as Vernon chuckled.
     "Who would be writing to you?" He mocked as he turned over the envelope to read the address. His eyes widened as he looked up at Petunia, who was reading over her shoulder. Then he looked up and stared at Harru coldly, his face turning red. Then, he tore the paper in half and threw it in the trash, shouting at the boy to get out. Draco gasped.
     "Did he just rip your Hogwarts letter in half?" Harry's smaile had faltered slightly when he heard the paper rip, but he still sounded cheerful when he answered.
      "Dont worry, I'll get more."
     And indeed he did. The group watched half in. Shock and half in amusement as the Dursley tried evey way they could think of to stop the letters from coming. The blocked the mail slot, tried to scare the owls away, ripped and tore and even burned the letters that were now arriving in groups of twenty-or-so. When the letters began shooting through the chimney, Fred and George couldnt help but laugh and dance. Harry still couldn't get ahold of one, however, and next thing they knew they were off to a creaky old shack in the middle of a storm.
     They were bored to say the least. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Sirius, and Draco were still sitting beside the little boy, the latter four wondering when the little boy would finally get to read one of the letters. Luna and Blaise were lying side-by-side in a corner of the room, and Luna was explaining the pros and cons of having wrakspurts as Blaise stared at her with a tiny smile. Ginny was sitting as far away from them as possible, glaring at the boy like he had just killed a puppy. The twins were trying to convince Neville to be a test subject for their newest invention, as Cho and Cedric watched in amusement. The Dursleys had long fallen asleep, but the 11 year old Harry was still awake, drawing in the dust on the floor.
   Suddenly, the group heard a loud banging on the door. Harry jumped up, excited. He knew what was coming next and could hardly wait. The others were just confused, although, judging by how excited Harry looked, the person on the other side of the door must have something to do with the little boy's letters.
   Vernon and Petunia had obviously heard the banging as well, as they were now cowering on the stairs, Vernon holding a shotgun in his trembling hands. The mysterious person hit the door with so much force, that, with one particularly violent knock, the door flew off of its hinges. The Dursleys and the younger Harry gasped in shock as a giant man walked through the door, however, the witches and wizards watching were practically dancing with glee.
   "Sorry about that!" Hagrid smiled as he stood the door back up. And thats when they knew...
They were going to be okay.

I just wanted to tell you all the awesome news!!! I just came out as pansexual to my mom and stepdad, and they were really cool with it! I've been out to my friends and my brother for about a year and a half, but it felt really good to finally be able to tell my parents! WOOT

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