One More Year

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Hey guys!!! I'm so glad to finally be back! I still haven't gotten my phone fixed, but I think I might have found a new way for me to keep on posting new chapters. I'm really sorry for the long wait, but I had absolutely no way of accessing Wattpad. This chapter is going to have a pretty big time gap since the last chapter. That being said, it's mostly just a basic summary of what happened in that time frame that I skipped. Anyways... enjoy the new chapter.

    It had been years...    Well, not exactly. The slowly growing group of witches and wizards had been trapped in Harry's memories for what felt like years. In the real world, their bodies had only been lying in the hospital wing for about a week, but in Harry's head, they had seen ten years worth of fear and abuse. It was enough to drive anyone to madness.
Only one year left! They kept promising themselves. One more year until Harry gets his letter and gets away. Sure, they knew that they would still have to see the Dursleys over the summers, but at least Harry would be back at Hogwarts. His real home.
There hadn't been many changes over the years. The Dursleys were still horrible, abusive, gits. Harry had, however, made another friend. Well... she wasn't as much his friend as she was his protector.
Hannah Abbot
She was kind, and always made sure that Dudley and his friends left Harry alone. She was sixteen, (practically an adult in ten year old Harry's mind) so Dudley never really messed with her. She was like an angel. At least, that's what Neville thought. (Though he'd never admit it.)
The group had grown extremely close over the 'years'. Any animosity between them had long been forgotten. Even Blaise had gotten used to being so near Sirius, who he had originally despised. This was mostly thanks to Luna, who did her best to keep the peace. Blaise and Luna had become extremely close overtime, which bugged Ginny to no end.
Cedric and Cho had warmed up to the people around them, and were much less separate. They often sat around after Harry received a particularly rough beating and shared happy memories with Neville and the twins to try to cheer each other up.
And finally, Sirius and Draco. Those two had grown so much closer than anyone had ever expected. So close that Sirius could possibly be mistaken for the blonde boy's father. Once they had obtained a common enemy, in this case those awful Dursleys, they had been quick to unite. Harry often sat by and listened to the two of them plotting the hundreds of different ways that they would get their revenge on the raven haired boy's so called 'family'. After listening to a few of their more violent ideas, it occurred to Harry that his godfather could easily have been placed in Slytherin. The thought almost made him laugh.
The group had suffered through so much together under the effects of the Memoria charm. They were united. They just had to wait one more year.

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